53 | Unforgettable

Start from the beginning

He was not about to let anyone get away with it.

"Find Jamie. I want to hear from her," Luke ordered.

He was going to hunt down every single person who had ever seen this photo and interrogate them. One of his basketball teammates nodded and went on his way.

"It was me. I did it," a voice confessed.




They turned slowly and stared in disbelief.  Total, complete, abject disbelief.  



I stood in front of them. The most popular seniors in my high school and the wider crowd that surrounded them.  Everyone had the same look of shock painted over their faces.

Yes. It was me.

"I did it," I said, "It's not going to look great on my college apps."

The look of fire in Luke's eyes melted when he saw me. His fist unclenched, and circulation returned to his hand.

"It was you, Minnie?"

I nodded, retaining control of my voice, despite the shaking in my own hands. 

"You did this... to yourself?" Jake asked, staring at me since he couldn't understand my motive.

"Uh..." Chad didn't want to point out the obvious question but, "Why?"

"This photo created so much drama," I said, "It caused a breakup. It's been used to threaten me, to silence me... and I refuse to be silenced." 

I took a deep breath and projected my voice louder, "Some fools thought this would take me down. I refused to be trapped by threats. Now you see what I can do to myself, imagine what I can do in retaliation. I won't be messed around with anymore."

I didn't need to say more.  I was talking to all the people who had laughed at me, ignored me, insulted me over the last year.  I was talking to whoever blackmailed me with these photos, tried to strike fear in me to change my own behavior.

I change my life.

They had messed with the wrong girl.

Austin whispered, "Who's she talking to?"

I was so done with being a target.  That was a lesson Luke Dawson taught me. Take sh*t from nobody.  He may go too far on that front, but he showed me its worth.

I won't shy into the shadows anymore.

Out of nowhere, Oma began to clap.  Her clap filled the silence and echoed down the hall.  Bianca stood uncomfortably next to her friend and asked her to stop.

Oma refused, "I stand a boss."


Not many students joined Oma's clapping, I'll be honest. The bell rang and the crowd began to disperse. First period started as if it was just another regular day.

Except that it wasn't.

I felt like I stood up for something today.

Even though no one else understood it.  I had printed 100 copies of this shameful picture and posted it across school before 8AM. I was tired. But relieved.

Standing face-to-face with my own humiliation was liberating. No one could use this against me again. No one could test me on it again. In a way, I freed myself.

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