A short Goodbye

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You had been smiling for the past two days. Sleep was caught up on, emotions were sorted out and your head was clear. Your feet still hurt slightly but not enough to even mention. You stood at the bed, strapping on the special armor made for your stomach while in this condition. It didn't show much of the baby bump itself, but held your breasts better- which to the delight of Vilkas had grown. He stood behind you, his hands brushing your sides when he latched the buckles of your chest plate. The man nearly growled behind you, into you ear. "Damn it's hard not to remove this in haste right now." Your smile only grew a little, body shivered in delight. "When this is all over I am going to lock you in here with me for at least a week."

"Promise?" You turned to him, the man instantly grabbed your cheek with the palm of his hand. He still had his undershirt off, which made you second guess leaving this afternoon. He nodded as you thought it all over.

"I do. I'll ask Tilma to continue with the work she's done in the last two days, bringing your meals to you. She was happy to do it when I asked. Said she wanted to help bring the next companion into the world somehow." You smiled to him, placing a hand on his chest. "You're loved within these walls you know..." He took your hand, pulling it to his lips to kiss it.

You smiled before taking in a deep breath, then holding your stomach. His eyes widened with worry, placing his hand on your belly too. He eased. "Oh, Kicking." His held breath was released. "I thought- well it's too early for that, right? I mean you're only 6 months along, or seven."

You smirked. "Yea, it's too early, the kid's just strong. I'm pretty sure it's six. I'm certain that one night is when you..." You both blushed a little, averting your eyes from one another with a slight giggle on your side. "There is time. We're almost done. His hiding place.... Odahviing said he had to take us to Skuldafn. He also mentioned danger and a guardian that protects a portal. Portal to what though? The books we read didn't even know." You sighed. "But..." You looked to him, smiling. "With you, it doesn't matter what we face. We're ready, together." There was a knock at the door, before it slid open.

Farkas poked his head in with his eyes covered. "Is it safe to come in?" He was joking, that smile on his face that denoted how clever he thought he was being. Vilkas rolled his eyes before grunting. Farkas removed his hand, looking between you both. "Alright... I get it. Sorry, geez." He laughed. "Hurry and get your gear on, everyone is waiting for you in the hall. They all heard the dragon say he's taking you to Alduin's palace. That can't be good so they want to wish you farewell."

You nodded. "We'll be up in a minute..." It was easier to get used to the idea that Farkas and Aela may be going out now, or at least having sex. That thought you tried not to think about too much. He waved before leaving you two be. Looking to Vilkas you chuckled a little. "Alright... Well I suppose we've been summoned." You leaned into him, placing a tender kiss on his lips. "Let's get your armor on before I take mine off and we're late." You smirked. "We're going to be parents, have to set a good example, right?"

He chuckled. "You're going to be the savior of all the lands, I think we've already set a good example." He always had been silly, laughing at his own jokes, or lines. That was just Vilkas. You were still smiling as you helped him into his armor.

The send off you'd gotten was what you expected. Farkas, now with the addition of Aela, hugged you tightly around you shoulders. The others gave you a salute and a handshake. Tilma however did hug you both, wiping away her tears. The woman always was a softie, having missed you every time you were gone. As you left the hall, most of Whiterun lined the stairs of the hall. You blinked, before looking to Vilkas. "Well... I told you that you were loved within those walls, didn't mean you're not outside them." You and Vilkas walked through them, wishing them all well as you sprawled down the steps to the stables. Odahviing was waiting for you, making the cows nervous by staring at them.

You shook your head, snapping your fingers. "Hey old man." He turned his head to look at you, grunting. "Well, you sure remind me of someone." Vilkas rolled his eyes. "Thank you. Odahviing."

"Do not thank me child, I had no choice in the matter. It was either kill or be killed." You nodded slowly.

"Thank you anyway." You were not backing down from a dragon. "So how do we get there?"

"It's to the east." He lowered his neck to the ground. "So get on." You looked to Vilkas. He nodded before taking a rope out of his pack. He tied it around your chest, before attaching the other end to himself.

"We'll be safe. I promise." His smile was indeed reassuring. He rubbed your shoulders for a moment before taking you to the dragon. He helped you onto the neck, before climbing on himself. The man sat comfortably behind you, holding your body firmly to his own. "Alright Ohdahviig. We're ready." The dragon took off, you holding on tight but still fell back harder into him. He held you close, smiling.

It was a long ride, not that you minded, being in his arms. Compared to some of the things you've done this was a vacation. The view was incredible, looking down as you passed towns and cities you've visited, or helped. Everytime you did, Vilkas leaned in, lying his chin on your shoulder. The dragon landed on a stone flat, looking back to you both. "Here we are. You're on your own now." Vilkas nodded before dismounting. He held his hands out for you now. You slid down him, into Vilkas' arms. He started to untie you both from one another. "Just proceed, you will eventually meet a guardian of a portal. He's gone into it, I'm sure. My debt's be paid."

"You won't be punished for this." The dragon looked to you. "He's going to die. I won't settle for less."

"Let's hope you're right, Dovahkin." He pushed off the stone, flying into the air, then away.

You looked to Vilkas, smiling. "Let's get this done." He nodded before pulling out his axe. The next four hours were a workout. You barely kept up, but Vilkas was indeed doing most of the work on purpose. He made sure to take a moderate pace, allowing for things to run smoothly. The dead were restless here, all leading up to stairs. The top of those stairs was an alter, with that looked like a specter floating around a staff sticking out of the ground. Though it was twilight, you saw a brilliant light from just beyond the alter. "The guardian..." You looked to Vilkas.

"And he's protecting that portal. We don't know where it leads, but we're together. There's nothing we can't do." He smiled. "So pull your bow out. Whatever the hell that is won't last with us." He crouched down holding his axe tightly. You pulled your bow and did the same. By the time you let one arrow fly, the guardian was facing you both. The arrow hit it, you had pulled another, letting it fly. Vilkas sprinted towards the alter, almost racing your shots. You inched forward before drawing another arrow. You had advanced quite a bit as the dragon priest turned to fetch his staff. Vilkas reached him just as his hand reached out for the staff. He twisted his body into the swing. You let another arrow fly as your last one flew into his arm, Vilkas slashing his shoulder.

"Don't let him get the staff!" You called, before pushing yourself forwards, faster. Vilkas nodded, grabbing the staff just as he did. Your last arrow hit hard into his head, forcing the guardian to fall. You sprinted faster now, with the bow down to his side. The staff was taken down, the swirling of the portal below the alter started to slow. You raced up, placing a hand on Vilkas' shoulder. He looked down. "It's closing."

"Right, so let's go." He held your hand after sheathing his axe. You nodded, still scared but with him. Both of you jump down into the portal as it sealed behind you. Vilkas turned just as he fell, landing on his back and catching you. "Oof!"

He widened his eyes. "Love, are you okay?!" You smiled, nodding slowly. "Good." He relaxed, holding you tightly. "Good..." You both took a moment to yourself before looking around. The space you were in was misty, dark but more light than what it should have been at this time. There were statues, all facing you, and a sprawling staircase. Slowly you move off of Vilkas, the man getting up before he helped you to your feet. "Where..." He looked around, keeping his eyes peeled.

"I dunno." You looked to him, before scooping up his hand with yours. "But we're together. That means whatever we're going to face we have the advantage." He nodded before taking his first steps into the place with you in tow.

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