A Temple in the Sky

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"Are you sure you're okay?" It was the ninth time he's asked. You were at your limit of being nice right now. Your feet hurt, your head now hurt, you were freezing and everything on you was now heavy. You almost spoke but a voice overpowered you quite easily.

"Farkas..." He spoke firmly. "Thank you for your concern but she doesn't need you to ask every hour."

"Oh..." He quieted down a little. "Sorry sis."

"It's okay." You chuckled a little. "I am fine, trust me when I say you will know when I'm not."

"Yea, you dope, she's pregnant, not crippled." Aela laughed before putting an arm around you. She looked to Vilkas. "I've not said it yet but congrats! Didn't think ya had it in ya to climb this mountain let alone mine ore outta it." You blushed brightly, but managed to laugh a little.

"I'm glad you came with us. Njada seemed a little upset we've told them to hold jobs until we return." You managed to say before Vilkas who was clearly seething was able to speak.

"Ah! She'll be fine. Right ice brain?" Aela looked to him.

Farkas stumbled over his words a little. "Well I uh... Um..." He rubbed the back of his neck. "I suppose? Njada's someone I wouldn't even begin to understand. I'm glad you've talked to her more. It's almost as if you're my savior." You watched as there was a slightly awkward pause as the two looked at one another. Farkas smiled enough to make you wonder. Aela did fit the description of the girl he spoke of. He didn't talk about appearance though. True, every Nord might fit the description. You couldn't help but get the thought into your head, it wormed into you. It must have been the hormones.

"Well you weren't equip to talk to her. She's got your respect but Njada doesn't really like you too much. I think it's 'cause you remind her of the smaller wolf that got away." Farkas nodded slowly. You looked back to Vilkas, offing a smile. The man was silent but his eyes locked on yours enough to know what he was feeling. He was a little jealous of Aela being that close to you right now. He was nervous that you were pregnant and still making this journey, but he was in love with the idea of you being the mother of his child. The corner of his lips turned up into a hint of a smile, almost as if you read his mind on cue. "Whoa, hey hey there you two." Aela moved your gaze to her with a firm hand. "I know you're 'so in love' and all that junk but this isn't that kinda trip, alright? You've already made the baby."

You smirked softly. "I'll never stop looking at her like this, Aela." You both looked back to Vilkas who was even in temperament. "There won't be a time in my life where I will stop wanting her, either." He gave you a sly wink, forcing a blush on your cheeks.

Aela stuck her tongue out before removing her arm from you. "Yuck." She rolled her eyes. "Hey Farkas can you believe this?"

Farkas smiled. "Actually, I love when they're like this. I think it's sweet." He chuckled. "Don't you? I mean, really? They've spent so long being in love with one another without saying it..." He was whispering now. "It's nice that they get what they've always wanted." He looked to her. "Don't you feel kinda... great for them?"

You fell back a little, Vilkas' arm replacing the cold area that Aela left you with. He leaned down kissing your cheek. "If it does get too much, please say something. I trust you, but I can't help but be a little worried."

You chuckled, whispering back to him. "Then make sure to protect me." You shook your head, looking forward. The more you thought about it the more you liked the idea, though it was probably not what was happening. You couldn't help but see Farkas smile while talking to her ahead of you.

"I suppose when you think about it that way. It is kind of nice seeing them both happy, ice brain." She lightly punched his arm, Farkas smiled a little more, rubbing it sheepishly. "Besides... A baby in the hall." She smiled herself, looking up the path. "That's going to be nice. I bet it's going to be a girl. Strong and cute like her mom."

Farkas looked to her. "I think it's a boy. I hope it's a boy. I wanna teach him how to be a man."

"Ice brain, isn't that his father's job?" She laughed.

"I'm going to be there too!" He firmly spoke. "Vilkas can't always be there for them, we still have work."

You leaned into Vilkas as you walked, still watching them go back and forth. Aela nodded. "I guess you're right. I... I'm a little nervous then. I'm going to have to hold it."

"Yeah, but I'll be right there too." Farkas smiled a little bit wider. "Like I have been this whole last year."

Aela nodded. "Thankfully you mean. I'm not used to all this work without actually going out on a job. You've really been a life saver, big guy." You watched as Farkas blushed a little. Your body straightened up, watching this. You only had a passing thought you never thought it would be correct. This was strange, you left the hall and came back with a picture of how things used to be. Skjor wasn't there, you thought about the possibility of Aela liking him back, though when he spoke about the girl he was certain she'd never want a guy or like him back. That fit her perfectly. You wondered just what happened in the time you were gone.

Vilkas leaned in a little. "Are you seeing this?" You simply nodded. "I... Never thought I'd see my brother with a crush on Aela..." His whispers were extra soft. You glanced to him with a shrug. "I just hope she doesn't hurt him too bad."

"I'd like to have hope..." You whispered back. He seemed surprised. "Sometimes hope's all that gets you through. Got me through my last crush." Vilkas hummed. "Yeah... I wasn't sure if he liked me or not. But I had hope."

"Oh, he liked you." Vilkas nodded firmly. "So much he had trouble knowing what to say." He squeezed you a little. "We're almost there. You ready to shout?"

"Much more than watching you three take down a dragon without me." You sighed. "I'm going to shout it down, shoot at it from a distance." He nodded. You looked ahead, smiling a little. "I'm going to have hope for Farkas. I'm just saying that I know how he feels."

Vilkas blushed a little. "We uh... both know how that feels."

Farkas smiled. "Hey, Aela. When we get back we should go out and hunt something strong. Tilma can make the hide into a blanket. Wouldn't that be a good present?"

She smiled back to him. "So you do have good ideas sometimes."

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