Haunted Memories

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Work had resumed. Life had resumed. Even without her at your side. You spent each day burying yourself in work anything to escape the pain. So you collected payments, took jobs, trained the others and went on missions yourself. Jumping from one project right into another. You had worked from sun up until sundown because you knew when you stopped you'd remember her, how happy you were and how painful it was to lose her a second time. It was a month, you were exhausted, enough to have Farkas and Aela demand you take a day off. So you were here, sitting in the plains of Whiterun, looking up at the sky and trying not to think. The thoughts came anyway.

Her smile, her sweet eyes, the laugh and those lips that tenderly pressed to yours. You shook your head, before standing up. That part of your life was over. No matter how much you longed to be hers, she had her own life now. The thought made you smile, the thought that she may yet be happy. You thought maybe alone you might be able to stop thinking about her, but that clearly failed. So you headed back home to Jorrvaskr.

You didn't even make it to the city before a man stopped you. He ran up to you from the city, in a huff. It took you a moment to process what he was. "Sir!" He huffed, trying desperately to catch his breath. "I'm glad I found you... You're a hard man to track down. I've got a letter for you." He started to dig through his pack.

"A letter?" You spoke softly. "From who?"

He hummed, looking up to you. "She wouldn't tell me her name. She did tell me it was urgent." He pulled out a paper, handing it over. "Paid me extra to get it to you before mid-day. She was also very kind. That's all. Have a good day." He tipped his head to you before taking his leave. You looked at the folded scroll, in wonder.

You debated reading it, knowing it was from her. Your gut was anxious about it all, so much so that you couldn't even think. You gut churned with what it could be as you walked back home.

In Jorrvaskr, Farkas stared at you as if you were crazy. "You what? You got a letter, from her? And you haven't opened it yet?" He shook his head. "Man, there would have been a time you would have killed for her words."

"It's not like that brother, it's-"

Aela chuckled, interrupting you. "It's that he's scared she's written to say she moved on and here he is still pining over her." You glared at her for a moment.

"I don't think she'd do that." Farkas rubbed his chin. "That seems rather mean of her, rubbing it in your face like that, right?"

Aela chuckled again. "Ice brain- She would do it so he would move on. She's too sweet to want him dwelling on what they could of had. He did say that he'd always love her right before she left. I'm actually surprised he's been able to work through all of his pain. "

"Barely." You chimed in.

Farkas shook his head. "So it's better to know than not, right?"

Aela shook her head. "Maybe, unless he wants to be wrapped in the delusion."

"I don't think it's a delusion." Farkas spoke. "Anyway, if you won't open it, I will."

You shook your head. "No... I got it. The worst it can say is something I've been preparing for. A girl like that- well she doesn't just stay single."

"Unless she wants to." Farkas smiled before standing up.

You loved your brother's optimism, though couldn't share in it. You unrolled the scroll, looking at the ink on the paper. Just looking at the first word, her handwriting made you excited. It made your heart thump. After a pause you were able to fully read it, taking some time to process what it said.

Vilkas, I know I am the last person that you probably want to hear from right now. It's as if I chose duty over you. I suppose I did. I am no longer the woman that deserves your help, but I am calling for it. It's been a month without a word from me, so I understand if you just throw this note away, or even refuse to read it. My contact with the Blades thinks that the Thalmor have something to do with the return of dragons. So I must go into the heart of their operation. I have to be my best. I am only half my best without you. As selfish as it is, I need you. Meet me tomorrow night in Solitude, I'll be in their Inn upstairs in a room marked without a number. Let yourself in with the key attached to the scroll. If you don't show up, I wouldn't blame you. I hope you are well, I hope you are happy and I wish you all the best. My dearest, Vilkas.

You read it again, to simply make sure. A heavy thump in your chest when you read the words her dearest. You unrolled the scroll further, to reveal a key, a smile forming on your lips. Aela stood behind you, reading it as well, before clearing her throat. "Go, Vilkas." She spoke softly. "The Thalmor are no joke, but she can handle this on her own. She wants you there with her. I guess you were wrong."

Farkas smirked. "She wants to be single."

You looked to them. "I can't go. We have work here. If I run off then who will-"

"Us." They both said at the same time. Aela smirked. "Go, Vilkas. Just go." You furrowed your brow in determination before looking at the key, then moving off to get your things. Farkas stopped you, giving you a tight hug and an encouraging smile before you prepared to leave.

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