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"Are you sure you want to go to the Mare, Vilkas?" You looked to him, he was smiling softly.

"Yes. We shouldn't have to walk for 4 hours just to get some time together." You raised your brow, unable to help but agree. After a moment he gripped your hand, lacing his fingers with your own. "We have no jobs. Kodlak is buried in his books, my brother is training Ria and Skjor and Aela are pretending to be out on a job so they can hunt as a wolf pack."

"So you knew..." You smirked a little as he turned to you. The man was leading you to the door.

"Of course I know. It's hard to miss much around here when you're quiet."

You knew that sentiment more than he thought, but it made you smile all the same. Looking to the sun shining as he opened the door you couldn't help but speak up. "You... quiet? You went on a hour long speech to Athis about how you'd always win in battle because his sword might as well be a dagger against a two handed weapon."

He chuckled. "So I'm passionate."

"I've noticed." You flashed a somewhat flirty smile. It was enough to get him to blush a little. "Okay I get it. I'm just glad you haven't spoken to her about it. She gets moody when people imply she and Skjor have a romance."

"I've fallen into that trap before."

"Yeah well it's not like I don't understand it. Feeling helpless, liking someone... but unable to put yourself in that position. If she admits it to him and he rejects her, that whole persona that defines who she is- gone. The persona she'd worked so hard to build up. After that she would just be the softie. Well- me, really. Weak, warm and caring. Emotional... I'm sure seeing me pine over you hasn't helped her."

"You... pined over me?" You both stopped walking, he looked to you in the market square.

"Well not at first... You were kind of a jerk." You looked to him, Vilkas had a raised a brow. "A real big one, actually."

He shook his head. "I'm sorry. I was, wasn't I?" He looked to you. "Had I known back then..."

"Known... what?" You asked, shyly, averting your gaze from him.

He smiled, leading your eyes back up to him. "The kind of person you are... I'm attracted to you, [Y/N]. So I pushed you away. You were some rich girl who had the world handed to her and asked us to fight for you. I never thought you'd go through with changing your face, or actually picking up a weapon. You were not what I excepted and if I knew I wouldn't have dared push you away."

"Since the bandit's tower." You admitted weakly. "I was just an annoying little girl with a silly little crush." He found himself smiling a little more.

"You were never annoying." He placed his arms around you, pulling you into a gentle hug. "And you're my girl." He was firm in the statement. "As long as you want to be. I know I'm not... well I'm not the kind of man you wanted. I'm not romantic, I don't whisper sweet poems into your ear. I'm not soft, I'm gruff, even if I'm smarter than the average Nord. I'm wild..." He looked down at the last statement.

"No. You're passionate, untamed... Every time you've kissed me, it was unruly, breathtaking. My heart clenches. I don't need poems from you, Vilkas you bare you soul every time we talk. And even when we don't, I still feel you. That's what I wanted. I want you." You smirked. "You are romantic, by the way..." He looked into your eyes. "Our first kiss was super romantic. Flowers... coming to see me early, traveling half a day to be alone with me. Admit it, I make a pretty good case."

Before he could say anything however a woman walked to you both, old with her eyes pleading. Vilkas looked to her, then slowly let you go. He had sighed. You looked to the woman. "Fralia?" He spoke softly.

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