Small Wonder

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You stood at the edge of the balcony, the entire companions at your back, but he was at your side. Vilkas looked into the air, nodding slowly. There was a roar, a distance away but it was approaching quickly. You felt it's very presence on the wind. Turning to the others you gave a curt nod. "Alright. It's done. He's coming. Spread out, if we aren't in clumps the dragon will have a hard time attacking all of us. That's what we want. We want his attention on one person." You cleared your throat. "Me."

Vilkas stepped in front of you quickly, his eyes wider than you've seen in a while. "Okay. No. I've gone along with this a lot since I know how strong you are. I've swallowed my worry, trying to let you be yourself. I can't. No longer. I won't let you."

"Let me?" You scoffed. "It has to be me. I'm the one-"

"No!" His voice rose, the man was acting as he did when you first met. He sighed. "You're just a girl. Look at yourself. You're not a hero!" Your brow rose, looking up to him. He was flustered, his cheeks burning red, his eyes unwilling or unable to even look at you. He lowered his voice a little. "L.. Listen. You're precious to me. I cherish you. You're everything to me." He cleared his throat. "But... that changed the moment you told me you'd gotten pregnant. That baby has to be my whole world now." You felt yourself tighten as he'd spoken. It hurt your feelings a little, but it wasn't as if you didn't get it. You couldn't be his whole world anymore, there was a child to think about. "I have to do what's best for them." He placed a hand on your stomach. "I love you and while I can't understand how you feel as it's not happening to me, I do know why you feel this way. It's hard to be powerless, but this is our fight, not just yours. Let us help."

You look down. "But... Vilkas. I've taken too much from this group as is. Their Harbinger, their Skjor... their Vilkas... How can I ask for more?" You sniffed, feeling tears start to well up. "This is my fight. You've lost enough because of me... Even if this child changed everything between us, it doesn't change that I have a responsibility to it and you all."

Farkas cleared his throat, taking a few steps forward. "You've given us a harbinger back. At least, you will when this is over. You will also give us 'our' Vilkas back..."

"He's not been 'our' Vilkas in years, girl." Aela chimed in, smirking. You blushed a little which was hard in your current state.

Farkas glanced to Aela, nodding. "I can't say I'd be a good Skjor, but I'd try. This is what he'd do. Let me. You have a family, my brother, a group to look after. I have none of that. So it should be me." Farkas nodded in his decision. He really did grow up since you've been gone. Aela was right, it was odd to see but satisfying all the same. You gave him a smile, though it felt hollow. "Now stop fighting. I'll not see my shield siblings like this. You both love one another, act like it." He was actually scolding you. Surprising. You glanced to Vilkas, who rubbed the back of his neck, embarrassed.

He looked to you, lowering his hands to yours. Your eyes locked for a moment. "My love... I... Gods I am an ass. You're not just a girl." He closed his eyes. "You are a hero as much as I don't want you to be in danger. Nothing has changed about how I feel towards you. You will always be my world."

"No, it's not your fault." You chuckled a little. "I'd be nervous too if you were as reckless as I am. I get it." You took his hand. "I'll try to be more careful in the future but they won't be coming with us in the end, so please try to relax a little. Be confident in our abilities." He nodded slowly.

Farkas smiled. "There, was that hard? No wonder Skjor was stressed out often." The man rolled his eyes.

Aela cleared her throat. "You're uh... not being like Skjor ice brain. He never would have cared about their relationship. He would have insisted on fighting the dragon alone though."

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