Setting up Shop

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You hadn't seen her in a few weeks, burying yourself in work kept little time to even think about her. The others however also told you that she didn't spend a lot of time in Jorrvaskr. Aela took her hunting, Farkas trained her in the plains and you were stuck taking on jobs that they couldn't. Not that you minded, per say. You just had thought you might have gotten some time with her. Your own thoughts surprised you, sitting there at the table in the hall. "I can't miss her, right?" You shook your head, before standing up slowly. "I need some air."

"Good, go get a walk, boy." Kodlak walked past you with a softness on his face. "As for you missing her, I can't even be sure who you're speaking of, but perhaps seeing this woman again would give you the answer you seek." He sat down at the table, with his journal being set down before him. "Do an old man a favor, Vilkas. I've asked [Y/N] to help me with a problem. She's brewing me a potion. I'm not sure if it's done yet, she's had a lot on her plate in the last week. Convinced Arcadia to let her work there. She's been out and about collecting for potions as well. Aela tells me she's gotten better at fighting too." He looked up to you.

You couldn't help but feel relieved that she's been trained by your shield siblings. At least there wasn't much danger in gathering on the Whiterun plains, assuming she stays close to the gates. Thinking about it for more than a moment however you knew she would probably venture out further. She was shy to break the ice but once you knew her, well Aela said she couldn't shut her up. "Alright. I will head down there." You gave the man a nod before walking outside.

The fresh air was good for you, taking in a deep breath your mind was free from thoughts of giving into your beast blood. People greeted you on your way down, only standing on ceremony. Polite, but not overly so as you passed, on your way to the cauldron. Stepping through the door you were instantly greeted by Arcadia.

"Good afternoon. What can I help you with today? A potion, maybe?" She was one to not call attention to your companion status. Somehow you were a bit thankful for that.

"I am fine, just have business with your new fixture." You pointed to her, before walking to the woman. She was face down buried in a mortar, grinding away. You couldn't help but smile a bit, your eyes traveling down her back side to the modestly covered rear of hers. After a moment you had caught yourself, shaking your head and clearing your throat. She hadn't noticed the entire time you were standing there.

"Oh. One moment sir I will be right with you." You didn't say a word, only smiled a little happily. She stood up a little looking back to you. The sight of her surprise was amusingly adorable, her eyes widened, her body jolted up, her hands dropped the tool. You heard a sharp intake of air, her instantly flinching, hands darting up to hold the back of her head and the iron hanging hooks above her swinging around. "Uh...Vilkas..." She was soothing her head even still she sounded a little confused. "What are you doing here?"

"Do you need any help over there...?"

She laughed a little, nervously. "No Arcadia. It's fine. I just hit my head again, maybe you were right, these need to be moved."

"It's not the first time you've hit your head?" Your jovial tone made her face scrunch up a little. "Why are they still there, then?"

She pouted a tad, looking down before her hands fell from her head. "It's easier to reach some of the ingredients." You chuckled before she leaned back on the work station, looking into your eyes. "What uh... what brings you here?"

"I was looking for you." You saw a hint of a smile that almost immediately faded. "Kodlak said you may have a potion for him?"

She blinked for a moment. "Oh!" She pushed off the table. "Yes I do. I finished it last night. Took a while to gather the components." She chuckled happily. "Thankfully Giants aren't the most perceptive bunch. I was able to sneak into their camp and grab a toenail."

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