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The sky was bright, the wind at your back. More importantly, Solitude was at your back. The last few years of your life were harsh on everyone. Well- harsh would be the understatement of the year. You were barely a woman, the comforts of Cyrodiil ripped from you. All due to some hot headed ego driven Jarl. Ulfric. How you loathed the very name of the gruff man that forced you here, with your imperial father being forced to drag you and your mother to this gods forsaken land. It was just a bonus to your pathetic life that your father came home last month with wonderful news- you were to marry. Arranged. He had decided your whole life before you'd even gotten the chance to truly know yourself. You didn't care to meet Commander Maro's spawn. You didn't care that girls from Cyrodiil have spoken of his charm and good looks, or that he was a gentleman.

All these thoughts had rushed through your head within the mad burst you made. Running. Yes, running. If your friends could see you now they might hardly believe it. Your fair skin being beaten down by the harsh sun, even as the cold of this place nipped at your very core. Your clothes, dirty from the miles you had moved in the course of half a day. You knew you had to cover as much ground as you could. It was only a matter of time before your mother had gotten back from her shopping, then passed word onto your father in Castle Dour. You had shuddered at that thought when passing through dragon's bridge. It would be worse when they realized all the missing items from Proudspire that you took to buy your new life. The imperial army would be looking for you after a day. You knew what you had to do. It was extreme but you had heard rumors floating around town. Inspired. You left without hesitation the moment your could, though you knew moving through the holds would be hard, in your current dress. You were right. It was awkward to move in. You worked harder than you needed to to simply run. Your lungs burned with a desire for air, forcing you to stop in the middle of the road, breathing heavily and doubled over.

"Well... what do we have here?" You swallowed hard, pushing yourself up to stand now. Your eyes hit a man in hide armor, with muscles hanging out, his hands on the hilt of a great sword, the point of it in the dirt as he stood on the side of the road. You swore he was not there before. "Pretty little thing, aren't ya?" He chuckled, pushing himself to move closer to you. The smell of his breath carried far in the wind, forcing you the nearly retch, your etiquette studies kicked in, an uncomfortable nervous smile donned your lips as you breathed through your slightly opened mouth. "All alone. So helpless. With such fine clothes..." The sick smile on his chapped lips softened as he licked them. "Without an escort..."

"I'm not looking for trouble." Your words were short and curt. Fingers explored the small hidden area within your dress that housed the only weapon you were comfortable with, a small dagger. "I'm just looking to get to Riften."

The man chuckled for a moment. "Riften? You're headed to that place when you don't even look like you should be outside of your house. Aristocrats are all the same, act like they own the ground they walk on. Look." The older man looked you over. "I'm not one to hurt a little lady. I got a daughter of my own, a little younger than you." He sighed. "One I haven't seen in years. Before you pull out that pig sticker you think you can defend yourself with, hear me out."

Your hand, defeated fell from your waist, looking at him amazed. "Y... You're not going to hurt me...?"

He chuckled. "Do you think we're barbarians, girl?" He shook his head. "There are plenty in this land that would. Still, I need something to take back to them or they will insist we attack." His head motioned to people stationed on a clearly newer wooden fort off of the side of the road. "Do you have some jewelry, a necklace, earrings, anything, really?" You nodded before holding your pouch closer to you. He noticed, before shaking his head. "You don't want to give them up, do you?"

Amazed by his perception you spoke softly. "It's... my new life, sir. All I have to make it for myself."

He nodded a little. "You ran...?" He seemed uncomfortable. "I'll be right back. Don't move, there's arrows trained on you." Your eyes widened a bit, before looking up to the fort. He left while you were watching the bows drawn on you. After an uncomfortable amount of time for both you and the archers he had returned with boots and a short red rag dress. You looked to him, tilting a head. "Undress."

"What?!" You're voice was loud enough to have one of the archers hop down from their perch.

"Shh! Are you crazy girl?" He sighed. "Your clothes. They'll fetch a pretty penny. I've told them the small satchel you have just has books in them, journals. I'm giving you these. I can't have you go off into the world in your breeches." He chuckled. "There are decent men in this world, but not many." He handed the clothes to you before turning his back and standing in front of the others.

"H..." You hesitated after taking the clothes, looking to the back of his head. "How do you know I won't stick you?"

"Well if you do you will never make it. Just your clothes alone make you a massive target." He nodded. Starting to undress you thought about it. He was right. You should have done this before even venturing out of Solitude, though the risk of running into your mother was great. The less people who saw you the better. "Eh, lass?" You hummed as the rags were tossed over your head, the clothes you were wearing tossed to the ground, no worse for wear. "You're a few hours away from the hold Capitol of Whiterun." You picked up your old clothes, folding the dress and jeweled shoes into a pile. "Make it there. Just follow the road, but stay off of it. Hunch down and walk in taller grasses on the plains. Animals you can take care off, the occasional wolf won't be a problem I think. Once you get there, plead with the guards to let you in. Whiterun, last I checked was in a lock down. Ask them to lead you to the companions. It's a matter of life or death for you. If you give them the coin, they will escort you to Riften. They are a group of warriors that fight for those who can't." You nodded slowly before tapping his shoulder. He turned, taking the clothes you held out. He looked down at you, taking in a soft breath. "If it matters to you, my name is Jarlee. Now go, before they change their mind."

"Thank you." You whispered before he walked you past the fort, then off to meet your destiny.

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