High Hrothgar

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You cuddled up into the coat, having it on the climb up helped and now out in the yard helped more. The place was great, you were able to relax and think. Talking to the Greybeards was soothing, their advice and wisdom soothed your broken heart and soul, even if only a little. You'd learned so many words, so much about your new power and how to harness your own voice. It was something that you never thought you could have, your own voice. High Hrothgar suited you, even the intense cold was welcomed. You however sometimes missed the extreme warmth of your old life. The one you didn't want to run from, the family you can never forget. Though it was just a month ago. Still, you knew you had to move on somehow. You had read the journal in your gloved hands twice now. He wrote about you in it, mentioning that he had a dream about you. You sighed when you got to one of the last pages. "I won't be able to have the time I need with her, to teach her what it means to be a harbinger. We need more time." You spoke softly. "We did, Kodlak." You felt your eyes start to water.

You stood up out of the snow, brushing yourself off. The journal closed in your hands, tucking it under your arm. "I should... read more about his research than his personal feelings. I just..." A hand was placed on your shoulder. You turned to see one of the old men in his robes. "Wulfgar."

He nodded. "I knew I'd find you out here. Dovah, you spend so much time reflecting. I know you've gotten the horn as we've asked and kept up on your studies but you took so long to answer our call-"

"I apologize." You shook your head. "I had so much on my plate. I-"

The man laughed gently. "A life is nothing to apologize for, girl." You eased a little, smiling. "You are allowed to have both, you know. Be apart of the world as well." You were staring at him.

"But I gave that up." You looked down.

"The journal in your hand tells me otherwise." You looked down to the journal. "The others would have you stay here, but I can tell your heart isn't in this." You bit your bottom lip while looking up at him. "That Amulet of Mara that I've seen you toy around with would tell me what you really want." You found yourself blushing a little. "Before you say it's too late, it's never that. Whatever happened, it's not impossible to move forward."

"Wear the Amulet..." He nodded before you looked to him. Your smile was even before taking in a soft breath. "I'm going to go for a while." Looking at him you found his smile soothing. "I will be back to meditate and keep my studies up, but..."

"The call to adventure is too great." He chuckled. You nodded before walking past him to grab your things.

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