Engraved In Stone (Chapter 2)

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Wow! I haven't posted in who-knows-how-long! >.< And I'm pretttttty sure THIS isn't the story you were expecting me to post up. But fear not, for I have NOT forgotten about "Tantalizing..." whatsoever. I just---er--- well, have writer's block on that one. So until my wee imagination comes up with some more ideas for that story, I'll kind of be thinking about this one. So well yeah... Anywho! Enjoy! :D Comment! Vote! And fan! Por favor? _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Gazing longingly out her front window, Lyric stared up at the ancient church, wondering. Wondering what in the world could be up in that tower that had her instinctively dragging herself over there. She closed her eyes, leaning her forehead on to the glass on her window panel. Those darkening eyes that had morphed to blood red by the end of her nightmare; those hands that had caressed her so softly then gripped the life out of her; those full lips that seemed to taunt her even now.

"I have to go check this out for myself." She told herselfdeterminedly, yanking her scarf off the coat hanger and rushing out the door. 'Be careful now... Don't get yourself into too much trouble...' Her mother's tender voice echoed in the winter breeze as she locked the door and turned to face the tower. "I'll make sure to do just that, Mum..." She whispered before tiptoeing over, her eyes sparkling with anxiety, thumbing the gem hanging on her necklace all the while.

Crossing the street rapidly, Lyric leapt up the stone steps, making her way to the massive door. She stared up at the obsolete church, before gripping the iron lion knocker and bringing it down against the wood. Nothing happened but the reverberating of the knocker. Tilting her head to the side, she attempted it once more, this time battering the door. No answer. She sighed, tightening the scarf around her neck and twisting to go back home. 'What was I even thinking?' She wondered as she hopped down the steps. 'It's an old church... You acted as if it contained life's secrets and there was actually something important in there...'

"Can I help you, Miss?" A feeble voice called from behind her. She glanced back and her eyes widened. While she had been all caught up with her mental babbling, the door had creaked open and in its gigantic frame stood a wee ancient priest. He removed his glasses, wiping them on his cassock before placing them back on the bridge of his nose. "Miss? Did you need any assistance?"

Lyric nodded, shooting him a smile as she skipped back over to him. "Actually, father, I did." She held out her hand. "Oh I'm sorry. Forgive my rudeness. I'm Lyric; I live right across the street and---"

"Oh, that's you? The little girl that used to come prancing over here all the time and played around in the cemetery out in the back?" When she nodded, he chuckled, grabbing her hand in a warm greeting. "It's so nice to see you, my daughter. Why, will you look how much you've grown. A true woman of value." He pushed the door wider, gesturing for her to come in. "Would you like to come in? Take a seat? I am Father Harland, by the way. But you can just call me Harland, sweetheart."

Grinning excitedly, she stepped in and he softly closed the door behind her. "Wow..." She whispered, taking in the sight of the church from the inside. The stones were made of aged brimstone, with portraits of angels and arch angels, demons and monsters. Where the masses were held, dusty pews lined the room, with an exquisite array of candle holders scattered around the front pewter. In the center of the colored glass wall, an enormous cross was hung, with the Christ looking sullenly down at them.

She let out her breath, slow and long. "This is really something, Father Harland..." She turned over to smile at her as he rose up from his praying stance.

"Yes," He gazed up at the cross then over to her with a warm glint in those sunken-in eyes. "This whole church is something. Rather majestic if I do say so myself." She blinked, jerking off her scarf and jacket. "Here, let me take those for you." He draped her things over one of the pews then motioned for her to sit. "It's all quite a long story, my dear. Sit and enjoy the tale."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2010 ⏰

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