By the rest, you mean Jimin, Taehyung and Daniel. All sitting at the lonesome table at the far back of the room where hopefully no one would pay attention to.

Taehyung fiddles with his fingers continuously, hands going nowhere near the piece of wedding cake that Daniel had kindly offered him. But Daniel on the other hand didn't hesitate to devour the cake in front of him and as he scrapes off the last bits of cream off the plate, his eyes greedily wander to Taehyung's plate.

"Uh, are you gonna...?" Daniel starts, pointing at his slice.

Taehyung looks up, a bit startled that someone is talking to him out of the discomforted silence. "Huh? Oh no, go ahead."

Daniel offers a tight smile before sliding the plate in front of him, his sudden appetite rising as he starts to attack his second slice. If only Jimin was continuously eating cake too instead of downing glasses of champagne. You slap his hand when he reaches for the bottle to refill his glass, giving him a look.

"Now's not the greatest time to get drunk at your best friend's wedding." You discipline him.

He blows out a tired breath and lets his hand flop down limply. He knows you're right and there's no point in trying to argue with you now when there was already a couple fighting in the building away from everyone else. "How long do you think they're going to be in there?"

Your exhausted shoulders give a petite shrug. "No idea, I just hope they're figuring it out the way they're supposed to."

Placing his arm around the back of your chair, he presses a comforting kiss against your cheek. "They will. Nothing can break those two apart."

Taehyung watches the two of you, both confused and in awe of how you two managed stay together since high school. The expression he wears is the most worrisome though, his eyebrows drawn together and eyes wide with concern. "I really didn't intend for any of this to happen."

"No?" You ask him sternly as you direct you eyes to his "What were your intentions then, Taehyung?"

Despite shivering underneath your cold look, he still answers. "I just wanted to say congratulations, I just wanted to come here to support them. Really, that's all I wanted."

You don't seem to believe him but Jimin looks more lenient while Daniel continues to stuff his face.

"I'm serious." Taehyung continues desperately. "I've already moved on. I've even found someone else now. I just came here to support an old friend."

Jimin does feel partially bad for him but you don't seem to show him any mercy. "Yeah, well tell that to them when they decide to come out again."

"But I thought you knew!" Hoseok exclaims for the fifth time, his patience wearing thin as a frustrated Yoongi throws his hands in the air out of exasperation.

"How could I when no one told me, Hoseok?!" He asks angrily. He rarely calls him Hoseok, only when he was serious.

Hoseok looks at him in incredulity. "You're seriously telling me that you never heard of all the rumours that spread through the whole school about me? The ones that didn't die out for months?"

Yoongi shakes his head, shooting back with more questions while he paces round the room. "Do you not remember who I am? Did you seriously pitch me in with the rest of the idiots who spent all of their free time talking about other people's lives and ruining them?"

"Well, I'm sorry! Okay? I just-" He stops, taking a breath and speaking in a lowered volume. "It's not something I exactly like to bring up."

Yoongi throws him a ridiculous look. "What? Bring up to your husband that you used to fuck one of my best friends?"

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