In the same vicinity

Start from the beginning

They had regularly updated Stark on their whereabouts and were extremely close to catching him, he had been said to have left the building not a day later than Sparrow had been taken. Fled like a child. 

My fingers itched to crush his windpipe but I had to keep steady and wait for the information. Although the waiting was growing increasingly more difficult and patience was never my strong suit.

The waiting was tearing me apart piece by piece my heart constricting with every mention of her name passing through their lips. I couldn't eat, my brother nagging me about doing so only proved a nuisance after a short while.

I had snapped one too many times at everyone who was nearest in the tower, her not being safe was ripping me apart with guilt, rage, fear, and rising panic. I had never felt these emotions so strongly before toward one being.

She was the one thing that brought light, being here in the tower, now she was missing and undoubtedly undergoing torture that I would not wish even on myself.

Eventually, it didn't take overly long for Stark to call us all to his laboratory and I was the first one there, he waited until everyone had arrived, then told us the news. 

They had an exact destination pinpointed and we needed to move quickly. 

Stark refused to tell me the coordinates and remove the chip implanted in my body refusing to allow me to teleport to her immediately which was maddening. I pestered him the entire way to the "Heli-carrier" the same god awful machine that had me strapped inside of it once before.

However, the idiotic man denied my chance to save her now. He wouldn't trust that I wouldn't simply leave and disappear off of the face of their disgusting mortal earth.

But there was no longer much time to argue as other things too priority. She took top priority. 

I remained deathly silent and strung on the words of the brunette soldier I barely knew one thing about who joined us in the hovering contraption, the name "Bucky" Had passed through the mouth of the blonde solider once or twice.

He carried an aura of coldness with him that settled evenly in the atmosphere as the redhead controlled the machine. Thor glanced at me once or twice vexing me to an incredible degree with that stupid look of worry on his face.

I do not mind the dark circles under my eyes or my sunken in features. I refused to mind until she is safe and taken care of, until then my health is the least of my concern.

I clutched my daggers tight in my fists as we exited the flying fortress the air was frigid and the ice and snow around us capped nearby mountains similar to Jotunheimen but not nearly as frozen and baren.

The cold did not nearly affect me as I planned to storm into the building foot first but I was stopped by a palm on my chest Thor's fingers spread out in a motion to halt me. The trees whistling around us as they littered the space around the fortress.

"Move" I seethed leaving no room for argument as I went to push past him only to receive a deepened 


He gave me a stern look as my jaw locked, he was standing in my way of saving her. "remember our plan Loki, if we storm directly into the base not only will we be spotted and attacked in large numbers but we will risk her life just as much, they could be using her as leverage" 

Starks suit hummed to life next to me as I glowered at him, he was right and he knew it as his smug grin disappeared behind his mask. His voice came out muffled as he noted to Rogers "I'll go check the perimeter for a forcefield, scout the walls and remove any cameras you can see when I alert you"

Clint and Natasha were going to take out the first lot of guards after stark got rid of the barrier, Rogers, Thor, and Bucky were going to use brute force to take out a lot of the other guards that were calculated to storm out to see the commotion.

and in seconds our plan was carried out, shouting was coming from all angles as the front concrete wall was demolished and Thor was swinging his hammer left and right. I swiped my dagger across two throats letting men dressed in greys and black uniforms drop dead in the snow.

I took my rage out on these feeble mortals as I plunged my daggers to the hilt burying them into the flesh of my enemies letting their guttural choking and spluttering on blood fill my ears. They continued to pour out of a front entrance to the large stone building in waves.

I simply plowed through them stabbing left and right as the two soldiers and my oaf of a brother took them out behind me. I didn't stop as they shouted after me and I killed anyone that got in my way dodging their blows and using illusions to phase their weak bullets.

I teleported a short length of a few feet inside to be met with an eerily silent hall, dark and cold as my boots clicked with an echo the icy wind rattling skylight windows above. The only source of light as muffled shouts and yells sounded outside.

I scanned the doors next to me suddenly halting when I realized they were numbered.


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