7- And So It All Begins

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Maaria's POV

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Maaria's POV

The following day, we were all in the attic until we heard Cory shouting about something, which caused me and Christopher to go see the twins along with Cathy who was behind us.

"He's trapped! Do something, don't let him die! I want him to be my pet." Me, Christopher, and Cathy walk over to Cory and Carrie, indeed a mouse was trapped but Cathy had a disgusted look on her face.

"Cory, just don't touch him." Carrie looks at me while Cathy said this.

"You're mean! You won't let Cory have anything." I sighted and looked at Christopher who looks back at me.

We allowed Cory to keep the mouse so Christopher helped heal the mouse in the bathroom downstairs using a few kits and we watched as Christopher brings over the mouse and gives it to Cory.

"I'm gonna call him Mickey." We all smile and I looked at Cory.

"Careful, be gentle. He's still fragile Cor'."

"Don't worry, I'm gonna take good care of you. I promise." I smile at Cory while Christopher smiles at me and back.

Later on the day, we sat in the attic. Cathy was fixing her ballet shoe on the bed, the twins were playing with their play house and Christopher and I were reading my book about the two lovers in Fair Verona on the couch. That was until the door opens and we see Mother.

"Sweeties! I'm sorry I was gone so long, but I have wonderful news!" I closed my book and remained silent. Christopher looked mad, while Cathy and I had a suspicion look on our faces.

"Is it Grandfather? Is he dead?" Cathy asks and Mother looks at her, ridiculous her.

"Oh, Cathy, don't be so morbid," She looks at us and continues,"Do you remember I told you about my Father's attorney?" I looked over at Christopher as he answered.

"Bart Winslow." Christopher answers slowly, giving me that sense of suspicion even more.
Oh god, tell me she didn't do what I think she did.

"Well, we've grown closer over the past year, and we got married." And she did it. Oh my god....what is going on in her mind?! Have she even gone mad yet? She married her Father's attorney.

"What?" Me and Cathy exclaimed in a state of shock.

"When did this happen?" Christopher asks, still remaining calm.

"A few months ago. That's why I was gone so long. We just got back from our honeymoon in Europe. Well, I thought about you the whole time. I even got you these beautiful presents." I noticed how Christopher was now becoming furious and I placed a hand on his shoulder but he brushes me off.
Now this is what I'm scared of, a furious Christopher doesn't end well. It's not like we have seen Christopher furious, just a funny feeling I have.

Flowers in The Attic {Completed}  ✔️Where stories live. Discover now