The Amazing Mountains and their Restless Quarrels!

Start from the beginning


Ash reached the tree that Meowth was in; looking up he could see the cream-colored fur that was visible between the leaves. It wasn't a very lushes tree but Meowth managed to find the perfect spot that hid it the best.

"Meowth!" Ash called out only to receive silence. "Meowth, come down here."

The mug was hot and full for a Meowth who was deliberately ignoring him. Obviously, there was only one other option: climb the tree. Unfortunately, Ash was alone and too stubborn to ask for help at this point. A thick branch was in arms reach and he placed the mug on it so he could climb up. He then picked up the mug and placed it a little above him. He started to climb the trunk of the tree with great difficulty as he reached for the mug and placed it a little higher. He then placed the mug on a higher branch that was just below Meowth and then proceeded to grab the branch himself. His poor judgment of the branch led to his downfall for it couldn't hold his weight and broke with him falling hard to the ground.


The sound of something heavy hitting the ground and the sound of something ceramic breaking caught Meowth's attention. It was dozing off due to how tired it was, not realizing it until the surprise alarm clock. Meowth looked down to see it was the twerp who was on his back knocked unconscious with Pikachu and a few of his other Pokémon surrounding him.

"What's going on?"

Ash quickly came too and noticed the broken mug. "It broke." Ash sadly mumbled to himself.

"What were you doing?" Meowth asked monotonously as it was now on the first branch that Ash started on while looking at him curiously. Ash looked up only to be greeted with emotionless eyes. Ash shook off the fall and got up.

"That herbal remedy from Saul, I made some for you but yo..."

"Oh I see, that branch broke off." Meowth interrupted Ash as it pieced together what happened.

"So that's what I heard." Its voice was as emotionless as its blue eyes as it observed its surroundings.

"Wait!" Ash exclaimed as Meowth was about to jump back up to its original spot. It turned to look back at him with its hollow expression. "Just come back with me and I will make you another cup."


"Seriously!? Join us, there's no need for you to be so distant." Meowth looked at the few Pokémon, in particular, Pikachu, Greninja and a few others who were still not too thrilled by its presence. It then sighed.

"I like it here. Dealing with you twerps is a tiresome feat in itself. I just want to be left alone." It spoke calmly but it slowly turned into a whine as it summed up its frustrations.

Ash sighed, "Fine," he mumbled, "Just stay right there, I'll be right back." He wasn't going to back down just yet as he dashed away with a mission of his own.


Pikachu stayed to make sure Meowth didn't return to its higher spot as they watched the twerp return in a short amount of time with a new hot mug in hand. Meowth was dozing off once again but quickly straightened itself out as it heard the twerp's footsteps against the gravel come closer. Pikachu jumped onto the twerp's shoulder as he gave a welcoming smile.

"Would you at least come down?" He motioned to the boulder that was big enough for both of them. Meowth followed through and reluctantly sat next to him as well as taking the mug that contained the herbs that hopefully will be the answer to its lost appetite. Meowth smelled the cinnamon and ginger that came from the substance among other scents such as lavender before taking a sip like a human. It was thick with a few pieces of dried up vegetables and other ingredients. It was soothing to the pallet with the ability to refresh him. It wasn't the optimum way of refueling one's body but it did the trick as Meowth felt itself revitalize as its starving body was regaining the nutrition it so desperately needed. Ash smiled inwardly as he petted Pikachu in his lap.

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