He was annoyed by that fact that these able branches that had the ability to thrive by themselves yet, resisted to pull away from curving downwards.
What is pulling them? Why are they not trying their best to pull away? Did they give up or did they give in?

Jeno shook his head in purpose of throwing away his nonsense thoughts. He struggled to move his eyes away from the branches but he decided to move over with soon to be overwhelming thoughts that will result in headache.

I should be worried about myself. What is happening to me these days, anyways?

After that day, he had been feeling a burden in his heart. He could feel it. He could almost feel his heart sunk to his lower abdomen whenever he thought of a fairly small face who he never admitted was an aesthetic kind of beauty.  He remembered all. All of the details. A brown fluffy hair that were usually styled to be push back were all over his forehead, freely occupying until the long lashes that most girls would die to get one. A pair of eyes that always gave out an unsettling feeling with a mixed emotion to Jeno were tightly shut as if they were too fearful to confront anything in front of them. His breathing was heavy that day, corrupting his normal calm demeanor as he filled in his nostrils with as much as air he could grasp. The trembling pink lips were noticeably opened to support the lungs to collect much air. The image in his head was giving him a sinful guilt but he couldn't stop himself from thinking that the grown up man under him was breathtakingly beautiful even with tears rolling down in fear.

Jeno brought up his arms on his knees and bent over his hands to close his eyes with his palms.

I don't even know why but I know I wanted to see him. And it makes me angry when I don't for a week. Lee Jeno, you are totally fucked up.

The boy heavily signed out loud and walked away to the class as he didn't notice a pair of slightly admiring and more than half worried eyes watching at him. The sparkling eyes' owner controlled himself from running up to the lonely boy and put him in a warm embrace.

Don't cross the line again, Jaemin. You don't want him to be mad at you again. You need to learn to control yourself from wanting to wrap this boy in your hands. He dislikes it. No. He hates it. And he's disgusted by it.

Jaemin confronted himself and reminded his mind to the reality. His longing eyes wondered off to the back of his tall boy and carefully drove off the parking lot as his young husband left the very corner of his eyes.

I don't even know if I fill or drain my energy. He looks sad and I can barely make myself not to make a U-turn to the school and talk out about him looking sad. I think I need to really practice hard to prepare myself from separating with him. I might have to consider setting him free from me. My heart isn't strong enough to see him sad.

"Na Jaemin!!! Nana, over here"

As soon as Jaemin entered to the bar that he drove to by the location sent by Renjun, he regretted a thousand times. It was obviously a licensed bar yet there was also a set up stripping pole and his nose could already picked up all the drunk men's heavy breathes.

Just to avoid all the people dancing along with the loud music , he quickly moved his feet to run toward the voice who called over his name.

In one of the corner, luckily in front of the private room, stood Lucas resting his hands on his waist while waiting for Jaemin to come closer.

"Yo! Lucas, what a sight! I didn't even know you would still insist to join with us for meal". Jaemin teased wrapping his arms around Lucas' back to give him a small hug.

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