Jungkook  was  left  deep  in thoughts. She  was  definitely  the  same  girl  from  yesterday  and  she  even  knew his  daughter's  name .

"Ara  stop  screaming  for  once. I'm  getting  a headache "Jungkook  complained  and  the  toddler 's  sobs died  down  and  she  started  muttering  incoherent  words.

Jungkook  gave Hyuna  an uneasy  look. There  was  something she wasn't  telling  him.

"Okay, sit down  and  let's  talk.You have  to  know "

"I'm  listening "Jungkook said as he sat  down.

'She wasn't Taehyung 's  friend  but  his  long  time  girlfriend.They  dated  since  middle school  until  4 years  ago. Tzuyu had to  go back  to her  home country  in  Japan.Taehyung  loved her  a lot  and  we also  thought that  they were  going  to get  married  one  day.After  she  left Jin  died  and  everything  was  too much  for  him. He didn't  even  get  to break up with  her.He  then  left  and I  don't  know  if he  ever dated  again because he was broken to the  point  that  he lost  all  faith  in relationships"

"You  know  the  fun thing  is he never  mentioned it to me  despite  knowing  everything  about  me.Where  does  that  leave  me? "Jungkook  chuckled.

"Jungkook  ,I  didn't  to  offend you "

"I  actually saw them  together yesterday when  we went  out but  anyways  it  dosent  matter. It's  in the  past  "Jungkook  smiled bitterly.

"I  really  don't know  what  to say "

"You  don't have  to say  anything. It was his  choice  not  to tell  me  and  he can't  be forced. I have  to go out  with  Ara to see my dad "

"Have  you  told  him? "

"I  did.He  was  thrilled  actually. I was  over thinking  the  whole  thing. He never  thought I  would  make  a grandfather  out  of him "Jungkook  smiled.

"I  hope  we will  also  get  to see him  soon  too"

"Don't  worry you  will. Anyways I  have  to go.Are  you  ready  to see  your  grandpa, princess "Jungkook  smiled  at his  serious  daughter.

"Are you  still  mad.How  can  I  make  it up to  you,?"

Ara  finally  coed at him.


"Now  you  feel  like talking  to me? You  only  need me  when  it's convenient  for  you "

"Hyung,I  really  need  someone  to talk  to"

"Oh really. If I'm  to listen  to you  then  you will  have  to apologize  to me  for  ignoring  me all  this  while '

"I'm  really  sorry "

"Oh this  must  be serious. What's  this  about? "Jimin  asked.

"Taehyung. Did  you  know  that  he dated  someone  since  middle school  up to 4 years  ago, "

'So are  you  getting  salty  just  because  you  aren't  his  first "

"Hyung  that's  not  the  point. She  showed  up and  he  didn't  even  tell  me  about  her.She  even came to our house unannounced.What  hurts me the most is the fact  that he  knows everything there  is to know about  me. I was upfront with  him. I trusted him enough  to be  vulnerable with him. I'm  not saying that he  is obligated to tell  me  about  his  past  but  I  just  thought  I  had  that  right  since  I  thought  we had something. Taehyung  just  made  me  realized  that  I  don't  know  anything  about  him  when  he  knows  my heart, my body  and  my soul. .....I "Jungkook  faltered  with  pain written  all  over  his  features.

"What  am I  even  doing  with  him "he  choked.

"Jungkook, don't say  that. I'm  sure  he  didn't  mean  to hurt  you "Jimin  consoled  the  teary younger.

Ara  who was in her stroller in front  of them  was pouting  on seeing  Jungkook  sad.

"Maybe  I  gave  myself  too much  importance  in  his  life  when  I'm  just  nothing  but  his  daughter 's  mother "

"Jungkook, don't  talk like  that "

"Hyung, I have  to go and  see  my dad  and  maybe get  my head wrapped  around  things "

"Do you know  how  she  looked  at me. She  implied  that  maybe  I  had  tied  him  up to get  myself  pregnant  when  it's  actually  the  reverse. She  just  can't  believe  that  Taehyung  would  ever be involved  with someone like  me"

"Did  he really  tie  you  up?"

"Hyung , I'm  being  serious  here "Jungkook  cried

"I don't really  blame  her.Taehyung is the guy  of every girl 's  dream .He  is a twelve  on a scale  of ten"

"Hyung, thank  you  for  lending  me your  ears but  I  have  to go"

"Don't  I  get an ice cream .Maybe  pizza would  do"

"Maybe  a wedding gift  later "

"Who the  hell  said  I'm  getting  married? "

"No one "Jungkook shrugged  as he pushed Ara's  stroller 


"Mom  do  you  know  where  Jungkook  went. He  isn't  picking up his  phone  and  it's  getting  late.It isn't like  him  to stay  out  late  with Ara."Taehyung  asked  his  mother.

"He  will  come back. He  just needs  his  time "

"Time  for  what? "

"Tzuyu came  here  today "

"She  did what? "Taehyung  half  yelled.

"That's  not  all. I actually  told Jungkook  about  the  two  of you  and  he was  disappointed  that  you  didn't  tell  him  anything when  you  know  even  his  deepest  fears. He also  saw you  with  her yesterday. "Hyuna explained and Taehyung slumped onto the couch.

"Damn "he groaned.

"She  is the  one who  left  so  what  is  her problem  now.I  have  moved  on"

"Maybe  she  meant  no harm  or you  just  haven't  made  it that  clear  enough  to her "

"Mom, whose  side  are  you  on anyways"

"I'm  always  for Jungkook "

"It didn't  sound  like  that  at all. Gosh I  really  need  to talk  to him "Taehyung sighed  deeply.

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