Chapter 20

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Jungkook  noticed  that  the  apology was  not  for  the  kiss, but  for  his  interpretation of Taehyung 's  behaviour but  he couldn't  help respond to  his playfulness.

"I  don't  know. Where  would  you  like  to go.I have  never  gone  on a date before. If I  tell  you  will  get mad"
"You  haven't  dated anyone  before? "

"Yea, I  didn't  have  the  time. It was  a luxury  for  me"

"I  thought  as much. It's  sad though. Don't  worry. I will take  you  wherever  you  wanna  go."Taehyung  assuredly  smile.

"Knowing  you  ,we will  probably  go around  the  whole  night "

"I  don't  think  that's  a bad  thing."

"Taehyung  we have  a daughter  at home "Jungkook sternly reminded.

"Her  grandma  is there  don't  worry .Let's  just  be boyfriends  for  tonight "

"When  did  you  ever ask  me to  be  your  boyfriend? "he  asked  with  a sassy tone. Clearly  they  had  skipped  that  stage.

"Should  I? Would  you  want  that "Taehyung  smiled  slyly. Jungkook  just  shrugged  it off.

"Now if you  will  give  me  some  privacy. I need  to change. "

"Do you  need  help?"Taehyung  asked  just  like  a high school  student .

"Out"laughed  the  younger "or the  date is off"

"Okay, don't  take  too long "he  called  over  his  shoulder  as he  went  out  of the  room.

"Should  I  just  fake  a headache  before  dinner "Jungkook  got up from  the  bed knowing  full well he would  do nothing  to circumvent Taehyung 's  plans  for  the  night.

Two  hours later  they  set out  for  their  dinner  date.Jungkook  wore  what  he called  his  best  outfit  ever but in Taehyung 's  eyes  he  looked  good  in everything  he  wore. He  found  the  younger  oddly  attractive. He couldn't  take his  eyes  off him  on the  way.Jungkook  could  only  look  away  from  the  older who  was  ogling  him.Jungkook  felt  all  the  more  nervous  and  decided that  he  couldn't  take  it anymore.

"Would  you  stop? "

"Why?"Taehyung asked  his  expression  overly  innocent .

"If you  look  at me  that  way I  will  feel  as though  I'm  naked. Not  to mention  crushing. I have  a daughter  to live  for"he scoffed.

Taehyung reached across  the stick  shift for Jungkook 's hand. Carefully he  brought  it up to his  mouth and gently placed  a kiss in the palm ,holding  it to his  lips  for  a moment.

A piercing shock ran through Jungkook 's  body at his touch. He  pulled away  his  hand, trying  to disguise the force  of his  reaction by placing  his  other  hand  on top of  it.

"Don't  you  like someone  appreaceting  a piece  of art?"

"And  is that  supposed  to be  me?"Jungkook scoffed in disbelief.

"Yea, as far  as I  know  you  weren't  like  this  before  you  got  pregnant .I checked. "

"So you  were  already  on to me  from  then "

"I  just  couldn't  help but  notice "

"You  perv. Do you  honestly  think  I'm  attractive  like  this. I'm  fat honestly '

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