Chapter 12

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Jungkook  made faces making his  daughter giggle and clench  her  tiny  hands  over Taehyung 's shirt.

Jungkook then  bumbed  into  Hoseok as they  were  doing  grocery shopping.

"Jungkook, it's  really  been  long. My condolences  about  your  husband. He was such  a nice  guy. "

Jungkook  didn't  say  anything and  looked  down  .Hoseok then  thought  of changing  the  topic since it was  sensitive for  the  younger .

"Is that  your  daughter? "he  finally asked and Jungkook nodded.

"She  is cute and  who is he?"

"He  is a  new friend  of mine"Jungkook  lied  earning  a slight  glare from  Taehyung.

"So how  are  the  kids  Hyung. I will  drop  by soon  enough "he  continued to get  rid of the  tension  in the air 

"Well  since  you  have  gone, it seems  like  everything  is wrong but  you  don't  have  to worry  about  it.Just  concentrate on taking  care of this  precious being "

"Bye"Jungkook  smiled  as they  hugged.

"I didn't  know  that  I  was  your  friend. Since  when. You  are  really quick to friendzone your own husband "Taehyung chuckled as he was  patting Ara's  back.

"You can't  possibly expect  me to tell  my friends  that  I  got remarried only  a month after my husband 's  death.Its ridiculous and laughable   put yourself  in my  shoes "Jungkook reasoned as he was  pushing the  trolley shifting  his  attention  to the  shelves.

"It's  nobody 's business "Taehyung frowned and Jungkook sighed.

After stocking up the  car they went  to the pharmacy  to get  medicine  and  toiletry  for Ara  who was  now  soundly sleeping  in Jungkook 's arms.

The pharmacist had  placed  their  stuff on the counter.

"Can  you  add two pregnancy test kits and  a pack of condoms "Taehyung  said and Jungkook literally dropped  his  jaw.

"It's  actually  for  my girlfriends "he  said and Jungkook rolled  his  eyes.

"Did  I  ask? "Jungkook  frowned as he  went  out ,leaving Taehyung  to pack  everything on his  own.

"Are  you  two  married? "the  pharmacist asked.

"We are "Taehyung smiled.

"You  look  cute together "

"But he dosent  seem to think  so honestly "Taehyung trailed off

"It's a shame "


"Jungkook "Taehyung started  as they  were  on the  way back  home.

The  younger hummed  as he was  resting  his  head  back  on the  leather car seat.

"Are  you  by an chance  mad.I know  you  are  always  mad but  are  you  right  now? "

"Why  would  I  be mad.Because  you  bought  those  things? You  really  have  me overrated "

"Its  good  that we are  cool"

"We are never  cool but  can  I  ask  you something? "

"Fire  away "

"Why  are  so naturally  good  with  kids? "

"Do you really want  me to  be honest.I  actually  got a few  girls  pregnant and  don't  be  suprised  when  they  come  to drop  the  kids  at our  door "

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