Chapter 8

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Hyuna knew that Jungkook would disapprove but  she  had a trick  up her  sleeve.

Tension crackled  in the Kim 's house  like an electric current.

"Jungkook, I  know  it's  hard  but  it's  the  only  way out  of the dilemma. It's all  for  our dear Ara. This  is her  family  and  she  needs  you  and  us"

Jungkook  opened  his  mouth  but  his  words  got caught  up in his  throat. His  plan had  backfired  badly. Getting  married  now  would  only  mean  that  he was defying  and  betraying  Namjoon 's  memories.

He  was  rendered  speechless  for  a while before gathering  all  his  energy.

"Mother  I  know  you  mean  well  but  I  just  can't  do it"with  that  he rose up from  the  couch  with  his   back  faced  the  older.

"Jungkook! ..."she  groaned  and  Jungkook  being  a softie  he  was  turned  around and  saw Hyuna  clutching  her  chest  painfully.

Everyone  had  always  known  that  she  was  a heart  patient.

"Please  don't  leave. I can't  live  without  her. Please. I won't  ever ask  anything for you  again. I swear "

"I  understand  but  please  let  me help  you  get  to your  room. You  need  to rest. You  don't  look  well "

"Will you. ..."

"I  will "Jungkook  said  with  a hint  of hesitation  in his  voice.

"What  have  I  landed  myself  in.I  just  ended  up in a  heap of more trouble. There  is  just noway  there  are going  to let  me leave  with  Ara "Jungkook  thought  out  loud as he  was  cradling the  baby  in his  arms lovingly.


"I can't  believe  you  manipulated him. He won't  forgive  you  if he  ever  finds  out "

"It's  for  the  best "Hyuna  sighed  deeply  resting  in her  bed.

"Jungkook and I  have  been  enemies  as long  as I  can remember  but  marrying  him.?He  is cute  and  I  can  give  him  that  but  us ever getting  along  is far cry "

"Now  this  old  woman  can  rest in peace "Hyuna grinned.

"After  throwing  her  son in the  fire"Taehyung  mocked.

"Oh don't  be such  a sissy "

Ara  was  laying  on the  bed,waving her  fat legs in the  air as if she  had  just  made  a marvelous discovery  which  was  her  toes.

Taehyung  broke into a beaming  smile at the  wondrous sight. No matter  how many times he saw her  and  touched  her and  fed her and changed  her  ,the miracle  of his  baby  niece  never  dimmed.

He felt  a slight  irritation  on finding  that  Ara  was all  on the  bed  alone  and  Jungkook  wasn't  anywhere  to be  found in the room.

Jungkook  emerged  from  the  bathroom  drying  his  face.

"Didn't  you  think  of what  could  have  happened  if she  had  fell?"Taehyung  asked  sternly.

"What  are  you  doing  in my  room? "Jungkook retorted

"That's  besides  the  point. You  are  being  neglectant towards  the  baby "

"Then  sue me "he shot back

"Can we not  fight. How  are  you  today? "

"Why  the  sudden  interest in my  wellbeing? "Jungkook asked sarcastically.

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