Chapter 16

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Taehyung got home and the  first  thing  he saw was Ara crawling  at full speed towards  him. Drool was coming out of he mouth.

He  couldn't help  but  fall for  her cute smile and  her two  growing milky  teeth . She  waved her  arms  mentioning for Taehyung  to pick  her up so he did and  pecked her chubby  cheek lovingly.

"Where  is your  mommy? "

"Jungkook is resting  I  think  he  is not  feeling  well. A bug or something "Hyuna  answered.

"I  will  go and  see him "

"Don't  take  long because  you  and  I  need  to have  a rational conversation "

"It's  usually  the  opposite  when  you  say that. Anyways I  will  come  back  soon "

"Shall  we go and see my princess's  mommy "Taehyung smiled as he tickled  her  under  the  chin making her giggle in return.

Jungkook heard a soft  knock  on his  door. He didn't even  check  his  droopy eyes. The  first thing he saw was his daughter 's  cheerful face that lightened up his  own  face.

"Come  to mommy "Jungkook  said as he reached  out  for  her.

"Not so fast "Taehyung  said and Jungkook frowned.

"Are  you  okay? Aren't  your  bugs contagious? "Taehyung  teased

Jungkook twisted his  slander  arms  together, turning  the  wedding band round and round  on his  finger.

"I'm  fine Taehyung "Jungkook  refused  to  allow his anguish  to intrude  his  tone.

"I  guess  I  believe  you. Ara give  mommy a kiss  for  me will  you "Taehyung smiled as he handed the  toddler  to Jungkook.

"Good  night. Sweetdreams. Sleep  tight "Taehyung  beamed.

Jungkook  allowed  himself  to look  into Taehyung 's  loving  eyes  trying  not  to betray  his  inner  perturbation.

"Good night  "he finally  whispered before  closing  the  door.

Taehyung headed to Hyuna 's  room  with  uncertainty.

"What's  this  about? "he  started  rather  brusquely as he sat on her  couch.

"Its  about  Ara"

"What  about  her?Just  get  to the  point. I'm  tired  as it is"Taehyung  complained.

"She  is allergic  to oranges just  like  you  are. Namjoon  liked them a whole  lot and  I  don't  know  why  she  would  be allergic to them. Jungkook also  likes them "

Taehyung 's brows rose up in suprise. "Just  what  do you  mean  by that. Are  you  saying  her real father  is someone  who is  allergic to oranges? In another  words you  are suspecting  me? Aren't  you  reading  too much  into  this whole  thing "Taehyung  snickered.

"You  just  said so yourself. Come  to think  of it.Jungkook  and Namjoon  had  given up on trying  to have  kids  about  a year  and  then  suddenly boom you come  and  Jungkook  gets pregnant  a month  later. I really  doubt  they  had  planned  to have  a kid knowing  that  you  weren't  a fun of their  marriage. Your brother  respected  your  feelings and  that  I  know  for  sure. I also  made  another  observation  and  that  was Jungkook  wasn't  happy  as I  expected  him  to be  regarding  the  news of his  pregnancy "

Taehyung 's  temper flared. "Mom what's  your  point. You  think  I  got him  pregnant  just  because  Ara has the same  allergy  as me and  looks  a lot  like  me.This  is ridiculous. Can't  kids  look  like  their  uncles?"

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