Chapter 18

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After  putting Ara  to sleep  in her  room  Jungkook  wanted  nothing  more  than just  resting  in the  comfort  of his own   room.

Who knew he  would  find  it locked  from  the  outside  and  the  culprit  had  the  nerve  to make  himself  known by showing up at the scene.

"Why did  you  lock my  room? "Jungkook questioned nonchalantly.

"It's  not your  room. Its  my brother 's "Taehyung emphasized.

"By I. .."

"You  can't  sleep  there  anymore. You  don't  have  any  relationship  with  him. Yes , he  used  to be  your  husband  but  not  anymore.I'm  your  husband  Jungkook  "the older reminded contemptuously.

"So where  do you  expect  me to  sleep?.Where  did  you  put  my  stuff "a note  of incredulity was  in his  voice.

"Do I  need to  spell  out  the wherefore?"Taehyung 's  dark eyes  were  cold

"Screw  you, Kim Taehyung "Jungkook  yelled.

"You  are  a grown  up.Please  don't  make  a scene  and  wake  up the  baby "

"You  are  a bastard  from  hell. All  you  have  ever done  since  day one  is make  my life  misrable. Why  do you  always  have  to get  away  with  screwing  me over "Jungkook  screamed  hoarsely  as he  attacked  the  older 's  chest  with  his  fists.

Taehyung  got hold  of both of Jungkook 's  hands and  turned  him  around  and  back hugged  him.

At the  moment Jungkook  felt  like  he had  been  robed of his  senses.

"I'm  really  sorry, Jungkook .I'm  really  not  a bad  guy  but  I  just  can't  help  it.I won't  ever  let  you  go"he  whispered  before  slowly  letting  go of Jungkook 's  hands.

"You  sorry? You  are sorry? Jerkass,jerkface "Jungkook  screamed  on top of his  lungs  as  Taehyung  walked  away .

After  getting  hold  of his  senses  he  went  to the  guestroom  only  to find it locked 

"You  won't  be the  end  of me "Jungkook mumbled  under  his  breath .

Hours  later Taehyung  woke  uo to get  water  for  himself  and  found  Jungkook  sleeping  on the  couch  in the  huge  living  room.

"This stubborn kid"he  sighed  deeply  before  caring  the  sleeping  younger  to his  bed.

He  took  time  to study  his  features  before  pecking  his  forehead  tenderly.

"I'm  really  sorry "he  whispered.

Taehyung  slept  on the  couch  leaving  his  bed just  for  Jungkook.

Jungkook woke  up to find  himself  in an unfamiliar room. He  later  found  out  that  it was  uncunnlingly  familiar. It was  the  same  room  and  on the  same  bed  on which  Taehyung  took undue  advantage  of him.

He  quickly  jumped  up on his  feet.Just  being  in that  room was  enough to  send him  over  the  edge. Seeing Taehyung 's  sleeping  face  didn't  help  at all. It was  as if he  was  having  a nightmare  in the  morning.

A part  of him  felt  like  strangling  the  life  of the  person  whom  people  called  his  husband. He  took  10 deep breaths  before  leaving  for  the  kitchen.

On the way he heard Ara's  strong  wailing  from  her room  and  went  to pick  her up.He went  and  settled her on the  living  room  carpet not  forgetting  to place  her  toys before  her .

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