Chapter 19

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Taehyung  took Yoongi 's  advice  and  went  home..The  first  thing  he did  was  go over  to Ara 's  room. She  was  awake  and playing  alone  in her  cradle. He picked  her up  and  went  over  to his  shared  room  with Jungkook.

He  found  the  younger arranging  his  stuff unto  his  closet.

Taehyung  went  and  placed  Ara on the  middle  of the  bed and  quickly  found  interest  in playing  with Jungkook 's  clothes .Jungkook  acted  like  he  hadn't  seen the  duo  and  went  about  his  day .

Taehyung  sighed  deeply  before tugging Jungkook 's  hand  and  made  him  sit on the bed .

"Have I  been  asking  too much. I just  wanted  to talk  to you "his  voice harsh  with emotion.

"And  here it is. We have  nothing  to talk  about "

"Yea  we do.Us.Ara.I want  to make  up for  everything  I  messed  up if you  give  me the  chance "

"Taehyung"Jungkook  sighed  as he  looked  down.

"I  belonged  to someone  until  a few  months  ago  and  I  just  can't  put  that  behind  me  so easily. I know  you  want  to take  responsibility  for  what  you  did  and  I  respect  you  for  that  but  you  have  your  own  life  to live. I don't  want  you  to be  bound  to me  forever. I  know  you  love Ara  and  you  will  always  be there  for  her  and  I...I will  be  fine"his clear  brown eyes shimmered behind a veil  of tears.

"On  your  own,?"

"Yea, you  deserve  better,Taehyung .You  aren't a bad  guy  .I  know  that .You  deserve  someone  smart, beautiful  and  kind. I'm  neither  of those "

"And  what's  your  point. That  you  want  us to break  up"Taehyung 's  face paled.

"I  just want  the  best  for  you "Jungkook  whispered.

Taehyung 's  temper flared.

"Jungkook, don't think  about  what's  best  for  me  because  I just won't  listen.I  just  want  you. ..I want  us and  our  daughter  to be  together. What  do you  think  my brother  would  have  done.Wouldn't  he take  responsibility? "

"He  would "Jungkook nodded.

"So why not  let  me  do it?"

"I was  married  to your  brother  and  I  don't  think  it will  be fair for  you  to be  with  someone  who has  a past"

"Everyone  has a past and  I  don't  care how many  hands  have  traced  your  skin  because  you  are  mine now  and  who am I  to hold  your  past against  you "Taehyung  cupped  the  younger 's  face.

"If you  are  really  up for  it but  I  won't  promise  you  that  I  will  make  things  easy  for  you "

Taehyung  smiled  before  intertwining  their  hands  together.

"Just  think  of this  as a handcuf."he  smiled. Jungkook  looked at him  in uncertainty  before unknowingly  rest his  head on his husband 's  shoulder.

From  across  the  room  Hyuna looked  at them  fondly  before  walking away  carefully  so she  wouldn't  be caught.

When realisation  hit him Jungkook  quickly  withdrew  his  head  from  the  older. He had  battled  with his  unwanted feelings  for  long  now and  he hated  himself for  it .For  a moment  his inhibitions were  gone .

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