Just  as Jungkook  left  for  his room Taehyung  got a text  from  Yoongi,telling  him  to come  over  to his  place.

Taehyung contipleted on going on not. He was afraid that Jungkook would  do something stupid  if he  left. Either way  he left after hearing Jungkook  crying in the comfort  of his  room.

"Hyung  this  better  be good because I  need  to be home  right now. I totally screwed  things  with  Jungkook "Taehyung blurted out  as he was pacing  up and down  in the older 's  apartment.

"I  too  screwed  up.I  hooked up with Jimin  and  he is saying  something  about  him  pregnant  and  I'm  going  nuts. "

Taehyung 's eye brows rose  in suprise.

"You  didn't  tell  me anything  like  that. Gosh  I  wish  I  had  locked the  doors"Taehyung  sighed  deeply unable to stand  still  for  a second.

"Are  you  even  listening  to me. He  was  sad after Namjoon 's  death and he asked  me  to go out  with him  for  a drink  and  shit happened. I wanted  to call  him  up and ask him  if this  is a April 's  fool prank or something  but  he  isn't  picking  up.I  think  I'm  getting  punished. I pranked someone  in the worst way  possible  today  and  it came  back  as a slap to my face "the  tipsy older blurted  out.

"Hyung, I  understand  you  and  I'm  very  sorry  but  I  got bigger  problems right  now. If Jungkook  leaves  then Hyuna  will  kill  me  .Bye "

"Taehyung, you  can't  leave  a friend  in need  alone "he  splattered.

Taehyung wasn't  even  looking  at the driving  signals as he was  going  back  home. He  had  lit a fire  on his  friendship and  marriage.

He  pulled  over  right  outside  the  gate.He  found  Jungkook  already  in his  car with Ara  in it.Jungkook  was  about  to take  off when Taehyung frantically jumped  in front  of his  car.

"Taehyung what  the  hell  do you  think  you  are doing. Now  you  want  to accuse  me  of reckless  driving "

"Jungkook please  step out  of the car .We can  talk  about  this. I'm  really  sorry. Whatever  I  said  back  then  was  crazy. I was  afraid  that  Ara would  go away  and I  just  ended  up lashing  out  at you "

"Because  I'm  the  readily  available  target. Just  get  out  of my  way or I  won't  hesitate  to run you over "

"Okay, where  are you going. Do you have anywhere  to go.I will  come  with  you "Taehyung  offered.

"Can't  I  have  some  alone  moments  with  my daughter "Jungkook 's words were unexpected that  for  a moment he  was unable  to respond.

"Aren't  you  leaving? "

"Did  you  want me  to?I  was  going  to the  park  and  if you  want me  to leave  that  bad then  don't  worry I'm  surely  going  to leave  on one  of these  days "

"Can  you  get  out. I will  drive  you  there "Taehyung  said.

"No , I  don't  want  to and  you  can't  make me "

"Remember  what  the  people  from  the  home affairs  said .We need  to make  as much  moments and  memories  as possible. We need  to work  together  on this "

"Screw you  and  screw them. Annoying "Jungkook huffed  as he  got out  of the  car.

Ara giggled  on feeling Taehyung 's  presence  in the  car.

"Jungkook, I'm  really  sorry. I screwed  up what  we had "Taehyung paled slightly.

"Why  do you do things  that  you  will  have  to be  sorry  for. One  more  thing. We never  had  anything. That  little  thing  called  friendship  certainly  didn't  work  and  its  all  your  fault. You  were  supposed  to be  my friend  but  all  you  did  was judge  me"

"Jungkook. ..."

"I  prefer we don't  talk  about  this  ever again. If you  don't  mind.I already  had a  day  as it is.Don't  make  it any worse "Jungkook deadpan.

"Okay "

That night Taehyung  woke  up in a   cold sweat  thinking  that his  memory  was  failing  him. Jungkook  was all  he could  see at night. In his dream Jungkook had  aroused and satisfied as no one before. The eagerness with which he had enjoyed their  stolen night was beyond  his  experience.

He  was  suddenly obsessed with  the  desire to hear  the  younger murmur his  name as he twisted  and turned beneath him, sighing with  passion.

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