With one  stride of her  long, slender legs Hyuna  reached  the  bed and  deposited  baby  Ara  into  her  mother 's  arms. For an instant Jungkook  appeared so suprised that  it looked  as if he  might  drop  the  infant but  Ara's tiny fingers reached out and grasped her mother 's. Looking down at the defenseless child in his arms, Jungkook felt a sudden rush of love and protectiveness unlike anything  he had ever known before. How could he have considered abandoning his baby. He  clutched Ara to his chest and, weeping helplessly, turned  her  to face  the  wall ,too ashamed to face  his mother in law or Taehyung again.

With tears in her  own eyes a trembling Hyuna mentioned to Taehyung and the  two  of them  tiptoed out  of the room, leaving mother and child alone.

Hours later, when Jimin dropped by to visit Jungkook was sleeping soundly, still clutching the infant protectively .Gently, Jimin eased  the tiny bundle from her mother 's arms and carried  it to  the  nursery to be  changed and fed.

As days went by Jimin, Taehyung and Hyuna  were  being  more  involved  in the  baby. They  decided not  to press Jungkook  further  because  clearly  he was  still  grieving and his  daughter  was  suffering  for  it.Jimin  was  being  of a lot  of help and  they appteactied  it a lot. If neither  of them did it then  the  poor  baby  would  go hungry, Hyuna thought  with  mounting  irritation.

On some  days  Jungkook  would  watch Ara from  the  side  lines. He  couldn't  help  but  feel  sorry  for  Jimin. Ara  wasn't  who he thought  he  was.Jungkook  hated  the  lie he  was  living and  most  of all the  people  he  was  deceiving, his  daughter  included.

He tried to blame everyone, Taehyung  for taking advantage  of him; Namjoon for  not  letting  him  abort  the  little  one whom  because other  people 's  lives would  be ruined.

If  he  had never  held Ara felt her  fragile fingers fast ,he  would have been able to  give  her  up with  little more  than a twinge of regret. Now it was too late. Once   awakened a mother 's  love was infinite and without end.

The  finger of blame  pointed  in only  one  direction  -at his  own  guilty heart. He  felt  trapped by  his  own  deceit.Now  that  he  had  accepted  Ara  ,he  would  no longer  bear to  stay in that  house. Hyuna   was  so in love  with  the  baby, so utterly  at the mercy  of her  affection, the  truth would  shatter  her.

So before  anyone  could  find out  anything  he  decided  to do what  was  right  for  him  and  his  daughter. He  asked  Hyuna  to let  him  leave  with  Ara.

"Jungkook , I  can't  let  you  leave. Even  you  know  that's  impossible "

"I  ...."he  faltered. There  is nothing  here  for  me.Namjoon  is gone  and  he  isn't  coming  back. Staying  here  with  his  memories  would  only  torturous  for  me "

"Jungkook ,I  understand  your  grief. Just  think  about  Ara. She  needs  you  just  as much  as we need  her.She  is the  only  remaining  memory  we have  of Namjoon "

Jungkook wanted to  weep  at that statement. It was all a lie.Jungkook felt like everything was a lie for him. Even the life he was living.

Ara  was  such  a beauty. Anyone who saw her  couldn't  help  but  fall  in love  with  her.

"I  do understand  that  but  what  will  the  society  say. I longer  have  any  relation to this  family. "

"Please  just  give  me  a few  days   to talk  to Taehyung .I'm  sure  he wouldn't  want  Ara  to  leave  as well. He  cherishes  her a lot. "

Confusion  sank in Jungkook  but  he nodded  either  way.


"What? "Taehyung whisper  yelled  not  to wake  Ara  up.

"Just  think  about  it. Jungkook  is too young  to be  a widower and  poor little  Ara  needs  a father. Jungkook  dosent  have  anywhere  to go.Should  your  brother 's  daughter  stay  in the  street. Would  you  really  want  to lose her "

"Mom  ,you  are  just  guilty  tripping  me. Let's  say I  agree for  Ara 's  sake  but  will  he  do the  same.Don't  forget  it has  only  been  one  month since  Hyung  died.This  is inappropriate and  it dosent  sit well  with  me "

"Fine, I  will  just  ask  someone  else  to marry  him  and  give  him your  share  of the  inheritance "

"Mom, don't  be petty  and  think  practically "

"I  will take  that  as a yes.Only  half way to go"she  sighed.

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