Joke He Tells You To Make You Laugh When You Are Upset

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What did the pirate say when he visited the North Pole?



What did the egg do when the hen told it a joke?

It cracked up!


What did the cow say when the other cow was in his way?

Moooooove over!


What do you call a pig that does karate?

A pork chop!


These jokes were lame... Luke's, Ashton's, and Michael's are all made up by me so don't steal them and if you do give credit because I'll hunt ya down...

I'm currently watching the fairly odd parents and eating cream cheese icing that's supposed to be for cupcakes but idgaf...

I have so much god damn homework you don't even know.... I hate life okay...

Remember when my author notes were so fucking long... like they were longer than the preferences themselves wtffff...

My mom made those hot dogs that are cooked into those roll things but all I want is chicken nuggets and salad mannnn...

Comment requests and I'll work on them okay...

Love you guys....

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I think that's a gif up there but idk if it will show up as one... it may show up as just a picture...

The song I added at the top is the song I listened to while updating :)

I forgot to say something but I forget....

Go read my other stories and follow my twitter and insta....

Insta- alexa.caravella

Twitter- eiectrah (((the i is capitalized so it's eIectrah so it's not an L)))

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