Reality Check!!

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It seemed as if after Isaiah got what he wanted from zora which was to fulfill his sexual desire it was like everything started to change and he began to show zora who he really was.

Zora kept her bruise as a secret from her parents and she also haven't told her parents that she and Isaiah had sex.

Zora was keeping so many things from her parents because she knew that if she told her parents anything they would "ground"her and they wouldn't let her see or speak to Isaiah ever again. Sophia knew but zora wanted her to keep things a secret as well.

Since the cotillion was approaching Zora,Isaiah,Sophia, & Roberto all had to practice their dance routines for the cotillion. Isaiah showed up late and when he came in he had caused a scene because he had on sunglasses and a hat to cover up his face so no one wouldn't recognize him and start to make a big deal since he was a singer. And according to Isaiah he just wanted to support his "girl".

Zora didn't like that so he removed his sunglasses. Zora,Isaiah, and everyone else began to practice dancing and Isaiah wanted him and zora to do their own thing and stand out which they weren't supposed to. Isaiah spinned zora around while doing his own spins and they both came back together then he dipped zora.

And the dance instructor didn't like isaiah's moves neither did zora or Sophia. Then isaiah's fanclub started to ambush him because they wanted to take pictures with him. So they all had isaiah's attention but he was really supposed to be by zora's side.

Sophia didn't like what Isaiah was doing so she confronted him. First she made a slight joke to zora saying that they looked like they were auditioning for "so you think you can dance". And then she sarcastically complimented Isaiah on his dance moves when he finally came back to join zora.

Sophia was basically telling Isaiah that zora is supposed to be the one that is chased and it's not supposed to be the other way around. Because in his mind it's all about him. Isaiah didn't like the confrontation so he got upset with zora because he felt like she was just allowing Sophia to attack him and then he started to feel as if he was being double teamed.

And he also got upset with zora's comment which was: she thought that Isaiah should slow down on the "groupies"at the cotillion and Isaiah figured that zora was defending Sophia which she wasn't she was only expressing her feelings. But Isaiah didn't take her feelings into consideration at all

So Isaiah gets upset and he says firmly to zora that he's "out" and he storms out of the building that they were in. And then zora ends up going after him. Sophia tried to apologize to zora but she was only defending zora due to isaiah's big ego and his selfishness.

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