Isaiah's Dark Side..

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After Isaiah and zora was once caught by her father Jacob Greenleaf with the door being closed while being alone in her room. Zora texted Isaiah all day to basically try to apologize for her dad being "harsh "towards Isaiah which all he told Isaiah was to respect his rules and his home or don't come back. But zora thought that she had to kiss up to Isaiah so he wouldn't be mad at her.

Zora and Isaiah talks all of the time.. so Sophia and zora had to go to an event that would teach them both about how to be mannerful,classy,elegant,etc. For a special ball that they would attend which is called the cotillion. And so Sophia was suggesting to zora that she turns her phone off due to it probably would be considered as lack of manners. And zora was trying to explain to Sophia about what happened between her dad and Isaiah and how she was preventing "damage control".

Zora noticed how Sophia had gotten a little upset so she stopped texting Isaiah but Isaiah was repeatedly texting zora so Sophia told her she could text him while they were driving to their location but once they have gotten to their destination no more talking to him.

Isaiah constantly called and texted zora but her and everyone else's phones were confiscated during the event. And Isaiah was upset with her for not going to his rehearsal but ended up going to another event instead. And he was also upset with her that she didn't text him even though she wasn't allowed.

Zora had told Isaiah about the cotillion ball and how she really wanted to go and she wanted him to go with her which he agreed to go with her. It was the day that they first slept together that zora and Isaiah talked about the cotillion but Isaiah was mainly focused on getting into zora's pants at the moment. Which he succeeded to do so.

Zora and Isaiah was in his car going somewhere and zora was asking if Isaiah had gotten a tuxedo yet for the cotillion which was coming soon. And he haven't and she was telling him how Sophia's boyfriend Roberto had found his and she told him how she would give him the information on where he could find his as well. Isaiah was getting a bit annoyed with zora and her cotillion talk.

He tried changing the subject by telling zora that she should put on her seatbelt right and he was insisting that he was just looking out for her. Zora fixed her seatbelt then he told her about how he had a surprise for her in the glove compartment of his car. Zora looked through the glove compartment and she saw that there was tickets to his show but it was on the same weekend as her cotillion.

Isaiah didn't even care about zora's cotillion he told her that they could do what he wanted to do instead. but zora didn't want to do what he wanted she wanted to go to the cotillion. And Isaiah said" okay but If I'm not going zora.. who are you going to do with?" And then zora told Isaiah: "I don't know...somebody...". But she said it in a sassy way. And Isaiah gave zora an evil intense glare and he purposely slammed his foot on the breaks making the car stop really aggressively.

Which also causes zora to hit her head.( Which the image above shows the bruise she received from this incident).

Zora screamed and Isaiah blamed zora for hitting her head even though he slammed on the breaks. He said to her"how many times have I told you to put that thing on right?".

Zora gets really upset with Isaiah and she yells at him:"WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?!ARE YOU TRYING TO KILL ME?! And Isaiah insists that she did it to herself. Then zora insists on Isaiah taking her home but Isaiah tells her no and she insists again that he takes her home. Then Isaiah tells her:"look I'll take you to the cotillion okay?, okay?". And she still insists that he takes her home. And Isaiah just says: "whatever" then he takes her home.

Once zora gets home she rushes to her room so her parents wouldn't see her bruise but she makes an excuse saying that she had to go to the bathroom.

Zora goes to her room, she looks into her mirror and she notices the bruise she's gotten on her forehead. Due to Isaiah being the cause of her hitting her head really hard. Because he got upset at the comment that she made while in his car.

Zora began to cover up her bruise with makeup so her parents or no one else would notice or find out. Once she finished putting makeup on her forehead the bruise was covered up.

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