Chapter 8- Inlove

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Your my devotion chapter 8

Zayn's POV

Waking up at seven am was always a struggle for me but today it seemed more extreme. I looked over to all the fellas and they were all awake, Ariana's giggles echoed into the whole bus, I felt my lips curve into a smile, I loved her and I admitted it why is she ignoring me now? As I hopped out of bed Harry approached me. "Hey" I managed to croak. "You finally decided to lift your ass out of bed" "dude" "what Zayny Wayney?" Harry joked. "Shut up!" I shot back. "Okay whatever Zayny Wayney, were currently at California! Woot! We are going to head to the beach." "Sounds fun"

I quickly changed into my baby blue shorts and a grey short sleeve shirt. It was defiantly hot in California, I still hadn't seen Ariana and I was craving her exposure. I had missed seeing her one dimple, her cute smiles, her red velvet hair. I walked out of the bus to see the love of my life wearing a bright yellow dress with thongs, how did she manage to wow me every time I saw her? "Hey" she smiled. "Hi Ariana" I smiled back. I hovered over to the car and we were off to a long drive, this was going to be interesting.

Ariana's POV

I saw Zayn and instantly bit my lip finding myself checking him out, he sure is fit isn't he? I sat at the very back next to Niall, I was disappointed that I wasn't sitting next to Zayn but Niall was quite the company. "Do you have food" Nialls eyes glowed. "Hmmm... I think I may have choc-"

"WHERE?" He quickly grinned. "In my ba-" all I saw was Niall snatching my bag grabbing the chocolate and chewing on it. "Your such a pig" I laughed while he stuck his tongue out. "So do you have a boyfriend?" Niall said while wiggling his eyebrows. "No" I giggled. "Good, Zayn wouldn't be so happy" he stated. "Really? I mean we um..." I trailed off looking the other way. "He likes you Ari" he smiled. "He does?" "He sure does, by the way your trending on twitter" "what?" I gasped. I quickly checked my twitter to see the hashtag #zaynandariana trending with many threads of pictures of Zayn and I. "Wow out fans are crazy" I laughed.

"Ari, Zayn really wants to be with you, make a move woman!"

"I don't know... I try to put together many reasons in why he would like me. His ex girlfriends are all pretty tall and skinny, where as me well I'm just Ariana." I mumbled while looking down. "Hey your beautiful and really I find you hotter then most girls Zayn dated.. He should be grateful he has you" Niall smiled. I bit my lip and squeezed his cheeks right after I kissed him on the cheek. "Are you... Blushing?" I laughed right after hugging him. I pulled my iPhone out and put the front camera up taking silly photos with him. I posted one on twitter and the reaction I got from fans were just wow.

@officialniallhoran & I are beautiful the way we are haha! Twitpic/phj837

"We're finally here!" Liam sighed. We all jumped out of the car breathing in the fresh beach water. "I LOVE THE BEACH!" Harry shouted. "I LOVE IT MORE!" I shouted after him. He glanced back at me sending a wink in my way. I stripped off my dress revealing my polka dot bikini. I ran into the water slowly getting used to the cold water that tingled my skin.

"Ariana your like so fit" Harry said while coming closer. "Thanks harrreeh" I giggled. He took another step closer and I found myself feeling his breath echo on my neck. He looked at my face pulling a strand of hair from my cheek. He leaned in closer and I was locked staring into his eyes. I realized what I was about to do, I can't snog Harry styles, a specially when I liked his band mate! I looked away and swam towards Louis. "Loubear" I grinned from ear to ear while he hugged me. "CARROT ATTACK" he said while pulling me under the water. Zayns arms groped me taking me back up. His arms were gently tugging on my waist and his chin was placed on my head. It felt so... So right. I saw Harry on the corner of my eyes, I could have sworn he was shooting daggers to Zayn. Wow what's going on here? I lifted my self off Zayn firmly placing my feet on the smooth soil. "I'm going to tan a bit!" I ran out of the water holding my arms to cover up a little. I laid my towel on the sand and drifted off the sleep.

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