Chapter 21- Plant Love

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Chapter 21-

Ariana's pov

I clicked away on my keyboard, writing whatever that came to mind. My thoughts exhausted, and heart scattered, I recollected the lasting images In my head. As my eyes were fixed into the compelling screen I didn't think I'll be getting out of this chair anytime soon. Abiding of romance, despair and general philosophy, my composition professed an immaculate understanding of the life I beheld.

I was currently on 20,000 words and going. My intention was to reach a goal of 100,000 words and publish the bittersweet compilation that read "Ariana Grande"

My motivation ceased due to

the excessive ache of my neck, and deprivation of sleep. I had to write about one direction, I had to compose the hasty reality of what truly relapsed. Though, I wasn't at all about the boys only, there was more to me I wished to express.

And so I typed away.

Hours, days and months I stayed at home, denying any sign of civilization that I would have had to accustom for. My mind and body ached for the truth be told. I was burning in guilt and yen, I had missed the previous alters of my relationships. Whether this may be friendships, or intimate involvements.

I got off the seat that was intended for hours more use. Slowly walking to bed, my eyes were demanding to shut.

Only three months ago I was curled up on the hospital floor hoping Harry would be okay. We were all hoping he'll get out of emergency healthy...

The thought of perfection in my mind had been sabotaged, when there was no such thing as perfection; I craved the word itself. Many times I told myself with harry it's imperfect, it's natural, but even with that nothing, I tried to carve it into perfection. A perfect picture of insanity.

Third person p.o.v~

Ariana had worn the question on her lips for days. All she wanted was for the truth to be told. In order to tell the truth, she needed the truth. She wanted to know the truth about the question she was so afraid to ask herself. "Where does my loyalties lie?"

And where did it lie?

She saw a boy and fell in love with him in a matter of weeks to turn around and feel attracted to his mate. Where did her loyalties lie?

As the birds awoke her to a new day, Ariana felt a smile form in the curve of her mouth. It wasn't like everything was perfect. It was knowing that the man she was in love with, was happy. After months of tear stains on her cheeks, she realized instead of sapping about it, she could instead take action.

It was a horrifying experience for her when she was at the hospital for Harry. He was in a serious accident, he was hurt, and no matter how much she wanted to take the pain from him, she knew it was impossible. They were all crying, shaking uncontrollably. His mother was suffering from post traumatic stress and was unable to form a sentence other than sobs of "Harry"

That's what they all wanted to yell anyway.

The news of his recovery had hit them like a ton of bricks. He had suffered from not only a number of broken bones, but had 'cerebral hemorrhage' the bleeding of the brain. That was exactly why his condition was severely dangerous. When the doctor mumbled the words of how he was lucky to be alive and that his body reacted positively to the operation, all six faces of tears smiled for Harry. Ariana fell to her knees sobbing from happiness to come back up and tightly hug Anne. "Can we see him?" Ariana asked as everyone else nodded, agreeing to her suggestion. When the doctor replied "family only"

Ariana realized that didn't include her and the boys. She had been crushed. Like a tidal wave, the pain hit her. Till this day she thought whatever the feelings she had for the boy wasn't love, yet in that exact moment she felt as if she had been kept away from her one true love.

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