Chapter 25- New Love

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Harrys POV

As the passion of love escaped my mouth in the form of words and vowels, I knew everything had changed. Suddenly, my mind had unfurled and thoughts transitioned to reality. Ariana's wide eyes grew with a familiar excitement. We both knew the weight that the words 'I love you' held. In this very moment, it seemed as though all of our obstacles were replaced with a magnitude of coincidences sent by the universe as a gift. The pain we experienced felt like a lesson, the loss we experienced felt like a reality slap but most importantly, this moment felt like the end of one journey and the beginning of another one. As my words left an echo in the room, I watched Ariana's eyes form droplets of tears. Looking more divine than ever, she placed her finger on my lips as we both breathed each other's souls in ecstasy. I watched her chest rise and fall as she uttered the words "I love you too" ever so calmly, as if we had been telling each other for years. There's something so magical about feeling familiarity at a place that simultaneously feels so foreign. Before this, I knew my heart clenched at her sight, because I was in her presence. However, I did not know the extent of experiencing this love with her, rather than for her. Almost immediately after this realisation, I breathed in icy cold air as if I had been punched in the stomach. I fell into her aura, her energy. Her warmth made the air easier to breathe. Truly, I had not known breathing until I felt this moment. I had not known how love can so easily make you the most grateful person alive. As I lay silently on that tiny bed with Ariana, I remembered the significance of love and how it can be spread so much that everybody in your world can take a glimpse of how beautifully carved everything is. As all these thoughts raced through my mind, Ariana placed a kiss on my mouth. I was so engulfed in the magic that existed between us that our kiss awakened me to the reality of now. A wave of emotions rushed through me as if I was part of the ocean, swimming with the dolphins. I paused after our lips embraced each other whilst watching her breathe, then I gathered the courage and kissed her again, ever so passionately. As my lips coiled into hers, electricity travelled from my head all the way down to my toes. I couldn't believe kissing someone could be this intense. "Do you feel that?" I asked in between kisses, simultaneously gasping for air. She placed her palm on my cheek, her eyes glued to mine, "It's impossible not to" she replied. We kissed each other once again, as if we hadn't seen each other in years. Even though we were in a tiny bed, I was the most comfortable I had been in my whole life. As her lips left my lips, she rested her forehead on mine and I replayed the past five minutes in my mind as if memorising every moment. "Hey, I love you so much" I whispered to her whilst she laughed with her eyes shut, "Hey, I love you so much" she replied. I laughed in response, whilst tears escaped both our eyes because we knew how much pain was involved in getting to this very stage. "Before this moment, I never thought I could be telling you that I'm in love with you. After this, it feels like I can never stop" I admitted. Ariana glanced at me for a second before smiling with love and grogginess oozing from her tired eyes. "Don't ever stop loving me Styles" she finally replied as she drifted off to sleep in my arms. I watched her chest rise and fall and thought, how can I be so lucky to have fallen in love so beautifully. It wasn't only that she was an amazing person, but that she had made me so poetic. She made me my most authentic and higher self and I couldn't imagine a world where this wasn't the case. I watched her sleep the whole night as I was so afraid to wake up to find that this was all a dream. Peace was with me now.

Ariana's POV

"Don't ever stop loving me Styles" I whispered to Harry before I shut my eyes to rejoice into the sanctuary of peace, which was his arms. As I slowly breathed in and out, I smelt the coconut scent in his soft, curly hair. As his arms held me, I felt his supple skin rising up and down with me in perfect synchronicity. He was so warm that I didn't need a blanket. I felt his protection around me like he had built some sort of shield, curated with love. Tears had escaped my eyes on multiple counts as I had never felt euphoria at this overwhelming state. I had never felt happiness like this. I had loved before, but never like this. With these thoughts still tracing images in my mind I heard Harry whisper "I'll never stop loving you" thinking I was asleep. Hearing this, I felt myself letting go of everything besides the present moment and slowly I drifted off to sleep.


As I heard the birds chirping, I adjusted my eyes to the sunlight peeking through the window. I immediately smiled when I remembered what had happened last night. As I peered to the other bunk, I saw Harry, deep in slumber. I assumed he would have gone to his own bunk during the night. I counted each breath he took in and matched it with mine. I could almost feel how peaceful he was because that's exactly how I felt.

"Ariana? You're awake, awesome!" Niall erupted, ultimately interrupting my tranced state. "Uhh, yes I'm awake Niall." I replied, clearing my throat. "What were you thinking about?" He asked with curiosity. "Nothing" I answered whilst jumping out of my bunk, wincing in pain as a consequence. "Ariana your bleeding!" Niall shouted whilst running around the room, trying to find something to aid my bleeding foot. As I laughed at his panic, the pain seemed to slowly disappear. Shortly enough he found a towel that I can wrap my foot with and in the process Harry awoke. "What's all this havoc love?" Harry asked me groggily, unaware of what was happening. "My foot is bleeding from the glass yesterday, I think I put too much pressure on it or something." Harry's eyes grew large, "well we can't let you bleed to death love" he smiled whilst grabbing his phone simultaneously. "What are you-" I tried to ask before he cut me off, "Yes, can we please take todays rehearsal off, see our Ariana has injured herself and cannot possibly attend. Okay perfect."

"So, they just let us off today like that?" I asked dubiously as Harry laughed "No off course not, but right now your all I care about." I smiled in response, with my cheeks turning into a bright shade of red. "Am I missing something?" Niall asked with curiosity. "Oh yes, just that I am utterly in love with this woman and that I'm never going to stop saying that." After Harry spoke ever so confidently, I felt my cheeks burn with even more intensity. "Finally!" Niall shouted and suddenly all the other boys barged in. "Wait, what are you guys doing here?" I asked, whilst Niall shook his head crazily, "THAT'S the important thing right now?" "We just came in to ask why rehearsal got cancelled" Louis stated whilst he dragged Niall and the other boys outside to question him as to the reason of the cancellation. However, Zayn was still in the room with us.

"What's going on?" Zayn finally questioned with a tone of seriousness. Harry and I immediately locked eyes, remembering the months of torture we endured because we were so afraid to hurt Zayn and now he was standing right in front of us, ready to hear the truth. As Harry stood up to confront Zayn, I walked in between the two boys, took a deep breath and started speaking. "Zayn, I... I don't know how to say this. The last thing I ever want to do is hurt you and I have avoided this very thing so I wouldn't but I just can't stop feeling the way I do anymore. Zayn, I love Harry. I'm... I'm in love with Harry."

As Zayn's eyes grew large, I was unable to read his expression. He immediately looked towards Harry, who nodded in affirmation. I needed to be the one to tell him because I had been such a coward, distancing myself from people rather than facing the truth. I realised the only reason for my unhappiness was my inability to confront uncomfortable things. How could change happen when I was so unable to change my way of thinking?

"Zayn, please say something" I begged, as he simply took a step backward. As he looked up and back down, he licked his lips and breathed in the tension-filled air. Finally, he swallowed, and cleared his throat before replying "It seems you have already made your decision; besides we haven't been together for a long time, we've made peace so there's no reason why I should be upset." With that, Zayn left the room, leaving behind a sense of guilt inside Harry and myself. Before I could start weeping, Harry sat me down. "You are not doing this. No more. We are going to be happy Ariana. Please, let's be happy" He begged me. For a moment, I escaped my thoughts and I recognised just how badly Harry wanted us to work and how afraid we both were that it would be ruined. "This love of ours has really been through a lot hasn't it" I laughed with tears in my eyes. Caressing his face, I knew that whatever life had to throw at us, I was prepared to face it with him.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2018 ⏰

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