Chapter 15- Voodoo Love

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Arianas POV

“So you finally woke up?” Zayn laughed holding the girl beside him by her waist. Tears were welling up in my eyes but I forced myself to brush it off. I had to stay strong, after all me and Zayn weren’t going out. Pronto. Well that is what the boys and the rest of the world thought. It frustrated me how Zayn kept close to her. Jealousy coursing from every inch of my body, I swept in Harrys shadow. I was now held tightly against his chest. He was surprised but he didn’t resist. My relationship with Zayn had gone downhill anyway, we weren’t as close anymore. Always hiding, always ignoring. I missed him and it depraved me every single time he was spotted with another girl. He would just say its fake, to get management off his back. I couldn’t believe him, I wasn’t sure if I was his girlfriend or his kept woman. Although obstacles attacked us, I would have done everything in my will to keep whatever we have and bite back all the misfortunes, because I loved him. Now, I’m just not sure anymore. Zayn’s glare lingered on my eyes, he bit his lip as if he was stressed, I was so eagerly staring at him that I hadn’t noticed Harry withdrew from my side. I was now left alone, bare. “Ariana meet Maggie, my girlfriend” Zayn’s lips finally moved. My harsh gazed darted at him, and Maggie. She was smiling, evidently fake. My pulse was heard in my ears; I pushed down all the hurt, all the emotions bringing myself to say “congratulations” Harry, Liam, Niall and Louis looked at me, obviously worried. I looked at each of them, one by one. Stepping backwards, I slowly tried exiting from here not wanting answer questions or tell certain people about how I feel. I was at the door, my back turned to these people I let my tears explode out of my eyes. “I um, need to go” I hustled. Still keeping my strong posture, I finally bolted out of the bus running, in Philadelphia not caring if I got noticed or lost, I was already lost in my bewitched emotions. After about 2 hours of running I found myself hovering over a mountain. If I stumbled, I would have fallen. What an adrenaline booster, sink or swim. If I be careful and looked at the view from here there was no chance of me being hurt, But If I went closer I would be taking a risk, and to my dismay I would fall. But what if taking risks were good? What if I ended up being satisfied? What I needed this booster? I breathed in the fresh air closing my eyes along the way. I bit my lip as the closure of danger ignited every inch of my rendering thoughts. Slowly walking towards the edge of the cliff I felt myself being in control. I had power; if I jumped it was my rule. But if I decided things were scary I would walk away. I smiled, pleased with my eligible brainstorm. This was the last arena, after tomorrow’s concert it will all end. I will be home, and one direction will no longer be a part of my life and surprisingly I was happy about that.

I told the taxi driver to take me where I knew the boys would be. I wasn't going to be pushed back from pursuing my career because one boy decided to f*ck it up. As I gave the nice man his money I walked into a group of boys racing up and down stress written all over their faces. Someone was missing, Maggie. They all looked at me like I was crazy. I wasn't, I was perfectly fine. "We’re have you been Ariana we have been worried sick!" Zayn furiously yelled. My head snapped at his direction. A smirk played on my face as I answered "Finding Myself" I tucked my hair behind my ear and walked into the cabins getting myself dressed in pyjamas. Even though it was only 7pm I was extremely worn out. I slept, and I was finally peaceful.

Harry's POV

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