Decay 7 -Part 1-

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Sara's POV.

I jumped into the shower and let the warm water wash over me. It felt as if it was washing away all the bad that had been brought upon me. When I turned around and the water hit the area where I was bitten, I gasped in pain. So much for feeling clean. Thoughts of the zombies clawing at my skin circulated through my mind. I grabbed a wash cloth and scrubbed around the area. I couldn't understand how I felt fine -besides the pain in my shoulder- while I was slowly becoming a monster. Shouldn't I feel horrible and forever depressed? Finishing the shower, I turned off the water, stepped out, and wrapped a fluffy towel around me. All of my clothes were in Katie's room. Heat flooded my cheeks as I walked down the hallway to the room.

I was very grateful that no one was home to witness me strolling along with nothing but a towel covering my form. On the other hand, I wasn't thrilled that my friends were outside fighting monsters without me. Once I made it to the room, I shut the door and opened the closet. I decided on a simple pair of denim shorts and a black T-shirt. Getting the shorts on wasn't difficult, nor did it hurt; but when I lifted my arms to get the shirt on, pain shot through me. I could feel the wound crack open and blood lightly begin to flow from it

Letting out a sight, I dropped the shirt and put a clean, thick bandage on the wound. After I finished prepping myself, I pushed through the pain and got the shirt on. You could see a little bit of the white gauze poking up at the collar of my shirt, slightly beginning to turn red. Checking the clock, it was now getting close to 4:00. The sun would set soon soon. If everyone didn't hurry up, they would have to face the zombies when they were at their strongest. Night time.

I ran to the window and peered outside. A part of me was hoping that I would see my friends coming up the driveway with smiles on their faces due to a massive victory. It was a silly idea, but a girl could dream. Movement caught my eye as I peered outside. Instead of my friends, walking corpses were climbing the paved driveway. Crap! Why are they here? Why are they out?! I thought to myself.

I ran from away from the window, down the hallway, down the stairs, and to the kitchen. Once there I checked out the window once again. They were on the porch now! Did they somehow know that I had been bitten and were waiting for me to join them? Did their master tell them to come get me? I sprinted out of the kitchen to the weapons room. Throwing open the door, I grabbed what I could. All I could manage was a small gun, before the sounds of glass shattering and the main door crashing to the ground filled my ears. I hadn't realized that they could do such damage.

"No!" I yelled.

Oops, dumb mistake. I shouldn't have shouted as it gave away my position. It was an idiot's mistake. At least I was in a room full of weapons rather than one without; such as the bathroom. The quivering moans were getting closer. I walked to the middle of the room and got in position. I could see them in the doorway. Some ran into walls before finding their way into the room. Others sniffed the air and followed my scent. Ten of them stood before me. Their arms outstretched as they piled into the room. It was a good thing I wasn't claustrophobic or this would have been more frightening than it already was.

One of the zombies quickly moved forward and tried to claim me. Raising the gun with my arms stretch in front of me, I shot it in the head. Blood flew. It had been close enough that some spattered on my cheek. One down, nine to go. This time when one moved forward, they all did the same. This caused me to take a step backwards. None tried to grab me. They just surrounded me. Never trying to touch. I aimed my gun again and began continuously shooting. Almost none of my shots missed. Each had landed in one of the monsters heads causing the room turn red. When I went to take a fifth shot, the gun didn't work.

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