7 ⭐ Just Dance

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7 ⭐ Just Dance

Friday, December 24.

Christmas Eve. 

One of the greatest days in history. Well...I thought it was… until Taron decided that we would all partake in his Christmas traditions. Which started in the wee hours of the morning and did not stop at a decent hour. 

He likes to combine all of the winter holidays into one, starting by waking me up at six o'clock in the morning, wearing a toga and a garland around his head.

Surprisingly enough, I didn't really mind it, one because he made cinnamon rolls and hot chocolate for a delicious breakfast in bed -or couch, I guess, in my case- and two because well...he was wearing a toga...and togas are quite modest and yet flattering...very, very flattering.

So after two ginormous cinnamon rolls -the origin of the ingredients being a complete mystery- and a mug of hot chocolate, I followed Taron to the kitchen to find Beck falling asleep at the bar.

Taron slammed a hand down onto the counter next to Beck's face, "WAKE UP!"

He awoke with a start, "bro...chill!"

 "Stop sleeping on our Christmas plans!"

 "Haha very punny, " Beck mocked.

 "I'm serious. You were sleeping, literally, on our plans. " 

Taron brushed Beck's elbow to the side to reveal a sheet of notebook paper filled with large loopy letters and checkboxes. He picked it up and marked the first box with a slash.

 "Alright, next up I have a few gifts for you."

 As he said this, he reached into the folds of his toga and pulled out two small packages.

I have Beck a hesitant look and he sent one back that said "just go with it".

With a sigh, I accepted the package that Taron held out to me and peeled the paper off carefully.

My eyes widened in pleasant surprise as I stared down at the case in my hand. It was the Wii game Just Dance 2.

I laughed softly and thanked Taron. I don't know how he knew I liked Just Dance, but I wasn't going to question it.

"Wow, you got Just Dance! Let's play it!" Beck enthused.

 "Oh, no. It's fine, we can finish all of Taron's uh...things. "

 "Are you kidding me? You love Just Dance! Since when would you pass up a chance to play?"

 Since there is a pit of sadness in my stomach. Also since I woke up at six AM.

 "I don't know." I shrugged.

 "Well, if you're not going to play, then Taron and I are going to instead. "

 "Um what?" Taron protested as Beck dragged him into the living room.

Beck set the Wii console up and put the new game in. He then shoved a remote into Taron's hands. "Let's show my sister what she's missing." 

Navigating to the home screen, he selected the first song that appeared and input his name. The screen faded from black to a blue sky and the opening notes to "It's Raining Men" played at an obnoxious volume.

I snickered as I watched them both stare blankly at the tv screen. Suddenly, Beck snapped out of it and started to dance along with the avatar in front of him. Taron frowned deeply, but followed his lead and soon enough both of them were shaking their hips and waving their hands in the air.

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