19⭐ I'm Gonna Go

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19⭐ I'm Gonna Go

Tuesday, January 11.

I stared at Manny's Instagram profile all the way back home. When Beck asked me why I was so quiet, I turned my phone over and said I was just tired.

He didn't question it, and I patted myself on the back for the quick thinking.

I went straight to my room when we arrived home. Beck would leave to work soon and Taron said he was going to study in his room for a few hours before he also left for work. While they were gone, I would do my work as the housekeeper and wash the dishes that had accumulated in the past few days. Thankfully, it wasn't that many.

I was going to wait to do them until later though. I was not about to do them when anyone was home.

I still felt weird about how my job search ended. Even though I agreed to it, it still felt weird to cook or clean in front of people.

So, as I waited for the apartment to empty, I decided to try and decipher the syllabi from my classes that I didn't pay attention to.

I was wading through the competencies and objectives of US History when my phone buzzed.

"hey. i was going to go see a movie with a few friends sometime this week. do you..."


I unlocked my phone and opened the message. It was from Manny.

It went on to say, "want to come? it's a special throwback showing of superman 2."

How does one respond to an invitation to the movies?

How does one even begin to process that?

The solution I decided on was to stare at it hoping some kind of explanation would follow. However, after several minutes had passed, no follow-up message had appeared.

I let out a disappointed sigh and opened the chat. The block of text sat alone on the left of the screen.

Okay, Bella. You can do this. Manny just wants to go see a movie with some friends and I'm one of them. It's just a friendly get together. Nothing big.

"Sounds fun," I sent in reply.

Perfect. Not too eager and yet not too cold either.

Manny is typing...

Oh no. It was too eager, wasn't it.

I probably sound like a weirdo and he's thinking of an excuse to get out of it right now.

"nice. i was thinking thursday evening," Manny replied.

Oh... I shook my head. Stupid brain. Be quiet for a second.

"Okay. I'll be there," I answered.

"cool. see you then."

I wasn't sure how to reply after that. It seemed like the kind of message that didn't require a reply though, so I didn't worry about it. What I was more worried about was what I would wear to the movies.

Syllabi and dishes forgotten, I searched through my wardrobe for the perfect outfit. I gave up around the time Beck got back from work and I crashed soon after that in a pile of clothes.

Thursday, January 13.

I avoided Manny after class today. I didn't really mean to, but I had no idea what kind of thing you were supposed to say to someone you were going to see later that day.

Can't wait for later? As if. I was a mix of apprehension and anticipation, but I don't know if I would say excitement.

It really hit me as soon as I saw him this morning. What if he saw that I wasn't dressed that well right now and then took the outfit I had planned for tonight as "I wanted to look good for you and I don't normally care about what I look like?" What if I talked to him and I just randomly started blushing and he thought I thought he was just gorgeous? I mean he wouldn't be wrong, but that doesn't mean I want him to know that.

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