Chapter 2

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Nat and Clint stopped at an open door, it had 12 bunk beds all down the left hand side, all of the 24 beds were neatly made, well all but one.

Two bunk beds had been push together to create a make shift queen bed on the top bunks, a third bunk was neatly mad and another had a neatly made bottom bunk and a top bunk that looked like a pigsty. That bunk was at the very end of room, Bucky dropped his bag next to the neatly made bed without someone on the bottom and Steve struggled to throw his bag onto the bunk above Bucky's.

"You have the rest of the day to unpack. Dinner is at 1700 hours, breakfast is at 0600, lunch at 1230. Don't be late or they won't serve you. Lights out at 2100 and classes start at 0800. Rooms are inspected as well as uniform at 0700 before morning parade." It seemed as if Romanoff had rehearsed this speech.

"All belonging apart from books, and a personal item will be taken from you and replaced with the school's own uniform. The uniform includes, sleeping attire, a track suit like thing, a school uniform and a parade uniform" Nat said in a serious tone, she handed Bucky a slip of paper.

"Here is your timetable, everything is in this building. Your basic subjects are math, english, history, sciences such as physics and parts of biology for frontline medical assistance. PE covers physical combat, firearms and cardio as well as strength. Practise for parade is on Saturday for two hours at 0700 till 0900 and parade itself is every morning at 0630." She finished.

"What about Steve?" Bucky looked towards his smaller friend.
"He will share meals, parade and wake up/lights off. But. He will not have classes with us, he will be making an appearance to Dr. Starks office every weekday." Romanoff finished, "And remember we all go by last names here so when introducing yourself do so in that manner." Bucky's head was spinning with all Natasha had just told him.

Nat passed them both a set of clothes and told them to pick possessions, Steve pulled out an old picture of him and his father fishing as well as his drawing pad and a pencil. Bucky tucked his picture of his family, when they were all still alive, into his pocket and pulled an old notepad and pen out from his bag. The notepad had been a gift from his sister on his 14th birthday.

"Who else is in this 'room'?" Bucky looked over at the messy bunk.

"The bunk at the back belongs to James Howlett and Victor Creed, most people believe they are mutants, they have a strong sense of loyalty. Neither of them has ever abandoned the other and they insist on being in the same classes as well as barracks and a boy named Sam Wilson is in the neatly made bunk. Me and Nat are the top two." Clint seemed to know everyone and everything about everyone.

"Don't pick a fight with the brothers, Zola or Schmidt." Clint advised. "And stay with who you know. Never cry and most importantly. NEVER UNDER ANY CERCUMSTANCES offend the food."

The clock on the wall read 1655. "Get dressed in the school uniform I handed you, we must leave soon." Nat nodded at the folded clothing she had had handed them. Bucky blushed at the thought of undressing in front of others.

"Just change and throw all unnecessary items in that basket." Nat rolled her eyes at his incompetence. "Dinner is at 1700 and I'd rather not miss it." She smoothened the creases out of her uniform. "Oh, and we wash and iron uniforms every Sunday as sheets." At this time both Bucky and Steve had put on their uniform.

"Right well let's go." Clint insisted and walked into the hallway. The hallway was full of boys, all making their way to one place; 'the mess hole' as Clint had put it.


Bucky held a plastic tray as an elderly woman half heartedly served the what looked like already digested porridge, he looked to the name of the food; Meatloaf. Bucky nearly retched as realisation hit him, spam this was spam and that was spam and everything came out of a tin.

He smiled fakly at her, she just scowled. Taken aback he took it as a sign to leave, Clint nodded his head in a way of saying sit with us. Steve already sat with them, so did two other men. The two looked older then the rest, again, no one seemed to mind or care for it. Bucky sat, shrugged and poked at the sludge with a metal knife.

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