11: I love you

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Namjoon POV

It's morning now and I am going to ask Jin to go to the beach with me.

I saw Jin making breakfast. I don't know what to say to him.
So, I said this.

"Hey Master." I then slapped myself because of it and Jin seemed to choke a little.

"Hey Namjoon! How are you?" Jin seems happy.

"Well, umm I was wondering if we could go to the beach today." I blushed and hopes he would say yes.

"Sure, I will pack everything we need and we will go to the beach." He had said as be placed the breakfast down in the table.

We ate peacefully and talked forever. I wished that could last.

Then we finished, I volunteer to help Jin with the dishes as he pack our stuff for the beach.

"Jin, can I bring this?" I pointed at my camera that Jin brought me not that long ago.

"Yes you can, just don't loose it. " Jin warned me but smiled after. I just really love him. Especially when he smiles.

~At the beach~

We are at the beach now. It was so beautiful, barely anyone here.

The wind is soft, the sunset is marvelous, everything is perfect.

We sat down and listened closely to the beautiful ocean, splashing on the grainy sand.

"The water is so pretty! Am I aloud to touch it?" Namjoon said, amazed by the glistening water.

"Go ahead~"

Namjoon carefully put his hand into the water.......

And the splashed it at Jin!

"Hey!" Jin exclaimed,  splashing the water right back at him. "Why youuu!" Jin got up and ran and Namjoon chased him around.

Namjoon eventually catches him and jumps on top of him. Jin, who was still laughing, didn't notice their position automatically. Instead, he laughed and stared into Namjoon's beautiful eyes.

Whilst looking into his eyes, he noticed the pink tint spread across Namjoon's face along with his shy look.

"What's wrong?" Jin asked. "S-should I get off you?" Namjoon shyly respond.

Jin mentally smaked his own head for not realizing sooner. "It's up to you~"

Suddenly, a rush of confidence hit Namjoon, as he sat on Jin's chest. "You're beautiful." He said as he gently caresses Jin's cheek.

Jin couldn't think of response to his behavior, so he just later there being a blushing mess.

Namjoon leans down as kisses Jin's cheek. "What was that for?!" Jin yells and covers his face with his hands.

"For being so gorgeous, duh." Namjoon leans down again and pecks his lips.

Jin was shocked at first, but kissed back after his brain completly analyzed what was going on. They sit up, still kissing so passionately, before pulling away for air.

"J-jin... I-i love you."

"I love you too."

"I love you more!"

"But I love you most!"

"Whatever you say master~"

Jin pulled him into another kiss. He had obviously won that battle.

"Jinnnn~ can we go homeee?" Namjoon said as he broke the kiss.

"Let's go~"

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