2: A new start

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I still had Namjoon in my arms. He looks so cute sleeping omo. I have to put away the stuff I brought for him.
I gently place Namjoon on the couch while I put the stuff away.

Namjoon POV

I felt the the warmth fade away. I got scared 'Did he decide to give me back since I'm useless? ' I thought to myself. When all of a sudden
I got picked up

"Are you awake kitty?" A very familiar voice said.

I turned around and saw him. It was Jin! I was happy that he didn't put me back. I love him very very much. He's nice and love love love the warmth he gave out. So calming.

"Meow" I had said to him happily.

'I will love it here hehe' I thought to myself. I just love the word love. 'Will he still be nice to me?' 'Will he turn me back in?' 'Or will he hit me?'
All those thoughts came rushing in. I was scared of having a new owner. Even if he was nice.

"Namjoon, come over here. I need to fed you silly. " Jin said as he giggled.

He was so beautiful, I don't think I deserve a owner like this. His laugh, so so pretty I wanted more of it.
I felt myself getting picked up all of a sudden and a soft thing on my fur.
Jin kisses me on top of the head.
I love it here!

Woah (Namjin Short Story)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz