10: a week

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It had been a week since the incident and Namjoon had been avoiding me since then. Always sleeping on the couch. Not wanting to spend time with me. And barely eats with me anymore.

My heart, I don't know why. But..... it hurts so much thinking about it. Do I actually love him. I don't know.. I'm just really confused.

My heart pounds when he's near and it aches when he isn't here with me. I want him to be with me forever but how things are going on right now. It doesn't seem like I can't be with him forever.

I don't like this feeling of my heart breaking.

Namjoon POV

I have been avoiding Jin ever since I said he was mine. My heart aches when I avoid him. I don't like it, but I feel so ashame of myself of saying that.

So, I snuck out, when Jin went to sleep and talk to my friends.

"Hey guys..." I sad sadly while looking on the ground.

"Why are you sad?" Ask Sunyoon while eating his carrot.

"I think I messed up." I said about to start crying.

"Is that why you didn't come last week and all this week for our meeting?" MinYoung asked worried. She always thought of us as her brothers. and she gets protective of us.

"Let me guess, Jin saw your human form and then you said he is yours." Yeontan said jokingly. But I looked at him and he knows I did. "Holy sh-, I didn't know. Sorry man. But why did you say that? "

"I don't know, and now I have been avoiding him for a week now." I let out a few tears.

"Ha, serves you right for keep on talking about him to much." Yeontan says but got smack on the back of the head by Soonyoung.

"That isn't nice to say! " Soonyoung said as he glared at Yeontan.

"Is hyung going to be alright?"  Sunyoon said about to tearing up.

"Hey Sunyoon. Let's leave okay. Cause I know you get emotional when one of us get hurt. " MinYoung said as she started to walk with Sunyoon then she looks at us. "We will talk about this later."

"So tell us man" Both Yeontan and Soonyoung said.

So, I told them all what happened from the beginning.

"I don't know if this is okay to say it. But, ask him to take you to the beach. Then confess to him how you feel. I'm sure he will feel the same. " Soonyoung said.

"I agree, cause I'm sure Jin likes you because he didn't say anything bad to you about you saying you're mine. " Yeontan butted in.

"But what happens if he rejects me? " I started to feel tears form again.

"He won't, I'm sure of it. " Yeontan says. Even though he is mean. He still love us.

"Thank you. " I feel a bit happy now.
"We should head off now, it's almost 1 a.m" Soonyoung yawned as he said that.

"Yeah, goodbye guys." Yeontan said.
"Goodbye Namjoon, good luck! " Both of them said at the same time and ran to their homes.

'I hope it goes well...' I thought and started to head back home.

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