1: Meow?

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Just moved into the city Seoul about 2 months ago. It's getting a little lonely by myself. I might adopt a pet tomorrow. Maybe I'll ask Ken to come with me to go get a pet so I won't be lonely getting one?

The next day~

I can't wait to get a pet, I have to look at the options to see which one is right for me.

"Hey Ken, are you ready?" Jin says while getting ready to go to the pet shop."Yeah, I'm ready. " Ken say yawning since he hasn't gotten enough sleep do to work.

"Bro, you should honestly get rest, I think you should stay at home instead of coming with me" Jin says worried.
"You sure?" Ken say to Jin,"I'm sure. " Jin days as he grabs his key to drop off Ken then go to the pet shop.

At the pet shop

I'm looking at all the pets. The dogs, I don't want to much work. Bunny, hamsters, and those. No thank you for certain. Sugar glider, maybe I can consider it if I don't find anything else.

I then came across the cats. I saw this one. With Grayish fur, almost like silver. It was looking at me. It was so beautiful.

"Excuse me, how much is for this cat?" Jin ask the owner

"Oh, Namjoon right here. I will give it for half of its price. Cause he keeps getting return back since he keeps destroying things. Also, you seem like a good man. And I hope you take care of this destroyer and love him" The owner says to Jin smiling at the end.
Jin felt bad for the cat. 'How could anyone return such a beauty' Jin thought to him self

"Come follow me so we can get the paper works done so this cat can be yours" Said the owner as she takes Namjoon out of the cage and hands him to Jin.

Jin follows the owner with Namjoon in his arm to get the paper works

Namjoon POV

This man... he's beautiful. Is he really going to be my new owner!! I hope he doesn't return me like the rest. But he seems like a good man. His arms are warm. I can hear his heart beat, it's calm.

No one POV

Namjoon had fallen asleep in Jin arm while listening to his heart beat. Jin finish the paper works to adopt Namjoon. He got the necessary stuff and headed back home.

How will it end?

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