4: Kendall

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Namjoon has been acting different ever since I said that one thing. He will always hiss at the screen and cuddle me while glaring at the screen.

It was cute to he honest

If you want to know why, I will give you a flashback.


I carried Namjoon in my arms going into the living room. Wanting to watch TV.

"Hey Namjoon, want to watch TV? " I told Namjoon, he looked up at me and in the cutest deepest voice.

"Meow~" I was dead, he is so cute.

I turned on the TV and was going to look for what to watch. I suddenly came across this one show.

"Big Time Rush?" I said loudly by mistake. I am wondering what this show is about. "It might be a good show to watch, don't you think Namjoon? " I then looked at Namjoon, he looked at me and nodded.
"Big Time Rush it is then." I then grabbed some popcorn for me and some treats for him. I then started to play the show.

Some time later

"The guy name Kendall is pretty cute, don't you think Namjoon?" I looked down to Namjoon, who was on my lap. He just glared at the screen.

"Meow!" I heard Namjoon and all of a sudden "Hisssss! " His just hiss at the screen, which was paused on Kendall.

I of course laughed, it was cute, too cute.
"Namjoon, are you all right?" I said, laughing a little. He just looked at me, with the most innocent eyes ever and meowed.

"Meow meow meow meow!!!" Namjoon just kept meowing, I laughed so hard to the point Namjoon just looked at me so mad.

"Come on Namjoon, let's get you a bath." I picked up Namjoon, he was struggling to get out of my grip. But, I didn't let him. He of course being stubborn tried to get out, I laughed at how silly he looks. I cleaned him up and put him on my bed.

"Goodnight kitty. " I said and heard a soft voice before I fall asleep.

"Meow~" Namjoon said as he feel asleep next to Jin's pillow.

~Flashback ends~

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