9: Ken

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Namjoon POV

I watch as they had a conversation. It's like Jin forgot about me. I was getting jealous because Jin was suppose to pay attention to me. I pouted while looking at them.
I got up and went to our room. I couldn't handle looking at them. It just breaks my heart.


I was talking to Ken, catching up on things. It's been 2 years since the last time I saw him. Why? Well, because him and his boyfriend had been traveling around the world. I was happy for him. But in the corner of my eye. I saw Namjoon getting up and leaving to go to our room. But, I will talk to him later. I still wanna catch up on things with Ken.

~1 hour later~

It's been an hour now. And Ken is getting ready to leave so he doesn't have his boyfriend worry about him.

"Bye Jin."
"Bye Ken. "

We both gave each other a hug and he left.

Now, I'm going to look for Namjoon.

"Namjoon!" I yelled loud enough so he can hear me.

No reply.

"Namjoon, where are you? " I started to get worry.
But then I heard a crash. I immediately rush to the crash and saw Namjoon on the floor next to the vase crying.

"Namjoon! Are you alright?" I rush to him. Not caring about the broken vase shards I will step on.
I wrap my arms around Namjoon.

"Tell me, why are you crying?" I was worried about Namjoon, I never saw him like this.

"I'm just.... I don't want you with Ken." He hugs me back.
I was shocked, he doesn't like Ken?

"Why?" I said questioning why he doesn't like Ken.

"I just don't like him around you. You are mine." I heard what he said and I was shocked. I guess Namjoon heard what he said and covered his mouth.

"I'm sorry Jin I just. " Namjoon was about to say something but he cut himself off. "Nevermind."

'Why do I feel my heart beating really fast?' I thought to myself.

Woah (Namjin Short Story)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon