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Start from the beginning

"Yeah we do!" I said.

"Check em out!" Howard said as we both unzipped our shoes.

"Zip-ups is for shoobies!" He said. "No Bash!"

"Oh man," Howard said to me. "Why do you have to be such a shoobie?!"

Then Bash looked in between me and Howard. Right at (Y/n).

He walked toward her, making her step back. "You don't wear zip-ups?"

(Y/n) shook her head, holding her hands up a bit as she stepped away. Bash then punched her in the arm, making her smack into the lockers behind. She yelped, falling to her knees.

"(Y/n)!" Me and Howard helped her up. "What the juice, Bash?!"

He laughed. "Show your Bash Mark at the door!" He then turned and walked away.

"Are you okay, (Y/n)?" Howard asked.

"I'm okay," (Y/n) said. She touched the area where Bash punched her. Then she gently lifted her sleeve. She had a Bash Mark. She was invited to that party.

"(Y/n)..." I said.


"You must be so bruce!!"

"No faaaair!" Howard whined.

(Y/n) looked a little confused, then looked back at the mark. "I don't understand..."

"What is there NOT to understand?!" I said. "You just got invited to the brucest party of the year!"

"I... I did?"


(narrator's P.O.V)

You looked around your closet, looking for a swimsuit. That was the least of your troubles. This would be your first party. You didn't know how to act, what people would think, or anything! You decided suit first, worries later. You kept looking until you found a cute swimsuit. You nodded and put it on. Then you went out to Bash's house. 


You made it to Bash's house, where a Robo Ape stood in front. It looked for the marks Bash gave. You showed yours and it let you in. You looked around. There was an ice sculpture, chocolate fountain, a pool with a RRREEEEAAAALLLLYYY high diving board, and a buffet. Everyone was enjoying themselves. You wondered why Bash invited you at all. Because by the looks of it, it was mostly popular kids here. You sighed and walked around. Then you heard all too familiar voices. You turned around and saw your friends in swimsuits.

"Howard? Randy?"

They didn't see you. They just walked around. You shrugged and turned around. You decided to try some things out. First you ate some of the chocolate from the chocolate fountain. Then you went for a swim. After you surfaced, you got splashed by Bash himself. You got out and laughed, wringing your hair out. Then you noticed people sneezing alot. You wondered why.

Then you saw a shadow. You looked closer and saw its familiar shape. It was the Robo Lizard again. It ate more boogers and skittered off. You ran to a building alleyway. hid in a corner and pulled your mask out of your bag. You put it on and swiftly followed the lizard. It lead you to some kind of lab. You went in and on the ceiling. You saw Petri dishes everywhere. Each filled with snot. You shivered and looked around. There was a big machine in front of them. A DNA analyzer. You gasped. "They're trying to find Ninja's identity..."

You wanted to see if you cant find the Ninja. But there was no need. "Kuni?" You heard someone whisper. A black figure jumped next to you.

"Hi Ninja," you said.

"Kuni, what are you doing here? How did you even get here?!"

"I could ask YOU the same thing! But that's not important right now." You pointed at the device. "THAT is."

He looked and groaned. "Boogers. Boogers. Its all boogers!" You nodded. "They're trying to find out who you are."

"With BOOGERS?!"

"Remember when you sneezed earlier? That lizard stole it..."

"and is trying to find me out!"

He jumped for it and you followed. He grabbed onto one of the Petri dishes going on a conveyor belt and held on. You held onto his waist. He started to slip, making it hard to hold on. Then you both fell, landing silently. You both hid behind a shelf while Viceroy and McFist discuss their plans about the Ninja being found out.

"How can I get my booger back...?" He asked. You put a hand on his shoulder. He looked at you.

"We got this. We're a team. Conceal and reveal." He nodded.

"Conceal ain't doing squat..."

"so let's switch to reveal!"

You both jumped onto the shelf. "You boys lookin for us?" You said.

McFist and Viceroy looked at you two. McFist congratulated himself for knowing you two would be here. You face-palmed. Then you heard a mechanical voice. "Ninja match."

"We got a match!" Viceroy said. You quickly turned away and plugged your ears, not wanting to know who Ninja is. Not yet.

"The Ninja is..." McFist said. Then something went wrong and made the computer say "Match: Viceroy."

"Viceroy!" McFist cheered. Then he got confused. "Viceroy? Viceroy?!"

"Seriously?" Viceroy said. "How can I be the Ninja, he's standing right there!"

No one saw you, but you went up and destroyed the machine with ease. Using your sword, you turned it into scrap metal in 5 seconds.

"Noooo!!!!" McFist complained.

"Yeah!!" Ninja cheered. "Now that's conceal and reveal! That's my Kuni!"

You blushed and he realized what he said. "I uh, I mean! Um...."

You giggled. "Forget it, Ninj."

You both threw a smokebomb. Viceroy mentioned something about only needing the samples, making you two stay. You took out your tessen and destroyed most while Ninja used his sword to cut others. 

"Stop them!" McFist yelled. Viceroy pulled a lever that opened a door to reveal a LOT of Robo Lizards.

"Wow." Ninja said. "That is A LOT of Robo Lizards."

The lizards cornered the two ninjas. But you stood tall and bold in front of Ninja, blocking him from any harm. He admired your selflessness and drew his sword, ready for battle. Then the ground began to shake. You both stumbled, falling to the ground. This time, Ninja fell on top of you. His eyes were shut tight as he stayed on your chest for a while, until the ground stopped shaking. He opened his eyes and realized his position.

He quickly jumped up, really blushing. "S-sorry Kuni! I didn't try to do that!"

You stood up and looked out the window. You saw water surrounding the building. You grabbed his hand. "Its fine. But hold on!" You jumped over the lizards, dodging attacks, and pulled out a ninja ring. You threw it at the glass, making it crack and shatter. You grabbed an unbroken Petri dish and used it as a surfboard. You wrapped your arms around Ninja to keep him on.

"Ninja Surf!" He yelled. You chuckled and surfed out of there, down the hall right to the exit door.

There was no boogers or water, so you both got off the Petri surfboard. You looked at eachother and smiled. "Thanks for the help, Kuni," Ninja said. You nodded. "And about before...."

You giggled. "Hey. Now we're even. Kay?"

He blushed and nodded. You smiled one more time then pulled out a smokebomb. "See ya later, Ninj!" You threw your smokebomb and disappeared. He kept blushing, but followed your lead.


After you took off your mask, you walked to the doors. "That's enough party for me..." you mumbled. You exited the doors and yawned. "Ninja..." you mumbled. "No matter what happens... no matter who is behind it... I'll do my best as Kuni. I'll do my best to protect you. That's a promise..."
You walked home, satisfied with how the day went. Until next time, Ninja. I'll be waiting for you...

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