Chapter 22

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Darren's POV

I've been pacing in distress ever since I got back home, I couldn't remember what happened. I don't know where Chris is and the last thing I remember was a white figure. I bury my face into my palms and then hear something drop on the floor, when I look up I found Chris, sprawled against the floor, looking like he'd been through hell.
I immediately run over to him and help him up and take him in my arms. "Do you remember anything?" I asked, desperate to get some idea of what happened. "Nope." He replied quickly, seemingly lying. I knew he remembered something but I didn't want to push it. I just want things to be normal.
I look at the time and realize its 3AM, I suggest going to sleep and take Chris' hand and lead him to bed.

As soon as I shut my eyes Cory's face appears in front of me, I reach out to touch him but I realize I was merely a spectator in this situation.
"We got rid of him for now, but stay safe please, and take care of my brother" Cory says, his voice hasn't changed one bit.
"We?" I asked, for some reason that's the only part I didn't understand.
Lea shows up next to him and holds his hand.
"Lea?!" I scream and reach out to her but she disappears before I get near.

Chris' POV

I was sleeping soundly until Darren got up and screamed, my body was weak but I worried about him and wanted to know he was okay.
"What happened baby?" I ask, clearly concerned.
"I-I don't know, Cory...then Lea!" He says, struggling to find words.
"I know honey, I know"
I hold him against my chest as he lets out a soft sob.
We stay like that until he gets up abruptly and looks at me.
"Chris..." he begins, "Chris I don't know what happened today but all I know is the entire time I was thinking about you. Every second of every day I think about you. I-I know this is soon but this just feels right."
He gets down on one knee and I pinch myself to make sure this is happening. He can't be proposing, he can't be!
Before I finished my thought he began speaking again.
"Chris, will you marry me?"
Tears fill up in my eyes and I look down on the man I admire.
"Yes, yes of course I'll marry you" I let out between wiping my tears.
He gets up and hugs me.
I can't wait to spend my life with this beautiful boy.

So it's been 4 years lol sorry anyway here's the last chapter. 9K views on this shit blows my mind. I felt bad not completing it but here it is yoooo hope y'all enjoyed!! Live ur hot girl summer this year guys.

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