Chapter 13

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Darren's P.O.V /Before i start the chapter just saying from now that cory is still alive in this fic/

i stomped out of the room angirly, i know he's going through a hard time but i wasn't that rude to him when my mom disowned me, i lay on the coach and let my sobs escape without trying to hold them in i heard Chris calling my name with sobs, then i hear him walking towards me, ''I'm'' he couldn't finish his sentence through his tears, well does he think that i will forgive him that easily?

i felt myself wrapping my arms around his torso as a natural instinct, i sighed as he dug his head into my shoulder, i heard my phone ring, while the name 'Amber' lit up on my screen i got out of my embrace as i answered, ''Darren...'' i heard her say weakly, is she crying? ''Amber what the hell happened?'' i said with concern flooding through me, ''Cory...he had a drug overdose he-'' i realized what she was saying and broke into a flood of tears, i hung up the phone and threw it across the room, ''What happened?'' Chris said wrapping his arms around me, ''Cory..he's..he's g-gone'' i said through my sobs, i felt Chris freeze, he fell back, he was sweating, his eyes were wide, his arms were still in their previous position, what the hell?

my mind was tighed in a knot, ''We need to see L-Lea'' Chris said, wiping his eyes and sniffing vigourosly, i took his hand and wrapped my fingers around his and squeezed his hand, ''Lets go'' i was barely keeping it together,i ran down the stairs and got into the car, he collapsed into the passenger seat and sobbed harder, i drove my way to Lea's house, not really seeing anything through my tears, i ran up the stairs and open the door quickly, she was lying on the floor motionless, she had knife in her chest and blood was everywhere, her eyes were still open and she was breathing heavily, ''LEA!'' Chris screamed behind me and ran towards her sobbing, i froze in my spot, she..she didn't...she couldn't...''LEA!'' i screamed with all the might in my body is took, ''G-Guys..'' she said breathing heavily, I'm not going to say anything, that would waste her time to speak, ''Tell everyone that i promised Cory that we would be together forever, and that i love them so much.. a-'' i felt her pulse stop suddenly, her breathe was gone, her eyes closed gently, i felt Chris lying next to her and hugging her to him tightly, i took the knife and threw it towards the wall, ''I love you'' i whispered in her ear, i just need her to know that, i took her phone and dialed Matthew's number, ''Darren! Cory is..'' i heard him cry, ''I KNOW! LEA...SHE...COMMITED'' just saying the word made me break into tears, i heard a thump from the phone, i think Matt dropped his phone, i heard footsteps running, Where's he going?

After a while i heard about like 9 footsteps running towards our door, everyone ran in, they all ran in except for Ryan, he looked at her with his eyes filled with tears streaming down his face, ''L-L-L-E-E-A'' He stuttered screaming, he fell to his knees, he buiried his face in his hands and sobbed harder than any of us, i went to her coach and lay down feeling hurt everywhere.


SURPRISE! it hurt me writing this and I honestly cried, um here have a sad ass chapter, dont kill meee

Bye yall

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