Chapter 5

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Darren's P.O.V

We walked hand-in-hand to the car, I still can't believe i came out, And he kissed me, I'll take that as a sign that he likes me too, i hope so. What if he realized i liked him and just did that to make me feel bette-

''I like you, L-Like really like like you'' Chris said awkwardly, cutting my thoughts off, he looked so cute when he was blushing, ''I-I really like like you too'' I said giggling, Maybe i should kiss him, i want to kiss him, can i kiss him? would it be too weird? maybe i should ask? no that would be awkward..''C-Can i K-Kiss you?'' i managed to stutter out when we got to the car, He chuckled at my awkwardness and leaned in, i took that as an answer and immediatly found my lips slamming against his, i grinded up on his body only to make a steady pace, before we broke off to get air, i pecked him on the lips and went to my side of the car, okay i dont think i should keep asking, Whatever, ''That was cute you know, the picnic and all, I'm so proud of you Darr'' Chris told me looking cute as hell, He cared about me, He's proud of me, i needed a second to let that sink in, ''T-Thanks..'' I said blushing intensly, i started the car and headed home, By the time we got there it was getting dark, i got out of the car and it startedraining, at least i think it started, maybe it already had but i didn't notice, i went walking fastly to Chris and took his hand and lead him inside, ''Where the hell did that come from'' I mumbled, Causing Chris to laugh at me, I gasped over-dramatically clearly being sarcastic, he rolled his eyes and walked to my room, he collapsed on my bed, and shut his eyes, ''You know, All i want to do right now is watch dramatic romance movies like twilight'' He said, i chuckled, ''Bringing out your inner 14 Year old fangirl Ay?'' i said giggling, he groaned and opened his eyes, he saw me and his eyes went wide immediatly, I think because i was reaching for the closet to change into my pyjamas, ''You want a change of clothes?'' i asked him, trying to ignore the fact he was staring at my clear erection going on, ''U-Um S-Sure..'' He said, still eyeing me, i giggled, clearly feeling the fimiliar blush invading my face, i threw a pyjama shirt and pants on the bed, which snapped him back to reality, since he looked like he was on cloud 9, ''Dream boy, you back on earth?'' i giggled to him, as i undid my jeans button and pulled them down, his eyes widend,''U-Uh yeah!'' he said awkwardly, i chuckled and put on my pyjama pants, causing Chris to sigh, i dismissed my shirt and threw it wildly, it landed on Chris' head, i almost choked from laughing so hard, instead he groaned, and threw it back at me, i quickly threw it on the floor and put any shirt i found on, immediatly running to the bed, and tackeling Chris back onto the bed, then i relaxed my body and fell onto him, he let out a choking sound and then relaxed under my body, ''Do you have twilight?'' He asked before letting his hand drift slowly onto my back, making circles around it, ''Of course i do!'' i said, trying my best to sound fake-offended, he chuckled and gestured to the Tv, i groaned having to leave my comfortable position on him, i jumped up and went to the tv, i found the Cd's and out them in, before i went back to the bed when i found Chris lying there, i widened my eyes as i saw the position he clearly wanted me in, i ran to him and lay down next to him, only for him to pull me closer and nuzzel his chin onto my shoulder, as i relaxed in his cuddeling position, we looked to the Tv, it was already starting.


we were about half-way into the movie when i looked at him, He was crying, what the hell Chris? i gasped at the sight, he looked genuinly sad, i tightned my grip on his hand and kissing his tears away, ''What's wrong babe?'' i said, shit why did i say babe, shit were not that close yet, oh god, ''I-I..nothing..'' He said, I sighed and sat up, ''Spill it.'' i said strictly, i need to know why he's sad, ''It's nothing really, it was um..just the first movie i saw with my crush, who said he was straight, even though he wasn't..'' He said, i looked confused until i realized what had just happened, My first day on the set i took him home so we could get to know each other, we watched twilight, i started tearing up and hugged him tightly, eventually crying, ''I-I'm so sorry Chris! T-The truth is, i was confused about my sexuality until i kissed you, I'm gay!'' i said through the crying sniffes, ''I love you, you dork'' he said before hugging me back tightly, we lay back down and watched the movie, i closed my eyes before drifting off to sleep.


I woke up, seeing him sleeping, i couldn't help but take a picture, he looked so adorable, i snapped a picture of us cuddeling and immediatly opened twitter and tweeted the picture with the caption: ''Look who fell asleep @Chriscolfer'' it was only after i tweeted it i realized what i had just done, oh shit, That's basically coming out as a couple, oopes, before my phone blew up with tweets from my fans: ''Crisscolfer is so real!'' i must've gotten that tweet 50 times, i smirked and pecked him on the cheek before getting up, i went down the stairs to the kitchen, i saw a couple waffles i had left-over, before deciding they were too old, i want to make him pancakes, hmm, i opened my phone and searched for ingredients, Here's one, i started making them, i only got a little bit after half done before Chris showed up saying: ''What are you doing?'' He said tiredly, rubbing his eyes, ''Why did you get out of the bed?'' He continued, ''I missed you'' I blushed at his sudden comment, ''I'm making pancakes!'' i said cheerily, going to peck him on the lips, ''Want me to help?'' He suggested, i chuckled, looking at what i had done, ''Uh yeah please'' i said, ''Let's do this!'' he said, suddenly awake, i jumped at the sound, and took his hand and lead him to it, ''Here's the steps..'' i mumbled, pointing to my phone, he took it, read it only in about 30 seconds, Looked at me and smirked, my eyes widened, what is he doing? i watched him in awe as he worked like a pro making the pancakes, ''W-Woah, how did you learn that!?'' i said in amazement when he was done as i was looking at the perfectly-round pancakes, ''I learned it from my mom'' He said proudly, ''I-Is your mom a professional chef or something?!'' i said jokingly, walking over to get the nuttela from the cupboard, ''Yeah, Actually,'' He said looking at me, i froze, woah, his mom is a chef?! i didn't know that, ''I think we know whos the cook in the relationship,'' i thought out-loud, he chuckled and got a spoon, he sat down at the table, spreading the nutella on the pancake before folding it somehow to make a triangle, I watched him in awe, he looked at me expectantly, i immediatly sat down beside him, ''Are you gonna take it or what?!'' he said putting it in my hands, i sighed and took a bite, my eyes went shut, savoring the taste, it was amazing, ''C-Chris that's Amazing'' I said, he laughed grabbing it from me and taking a bite, i immediatly snatched it from him and started eating, he groaned before he started making his.

When we were done, i jumped onto the couch, patting the place beside me, gesturing for him to sit down next to me, he got up and did as i gesutred, i looked  my watch, 9:00! oh god not again! i jumped up, ''Chris It's 9:00!'' we need to get ready! he just laughed and shooed me away, i groaned in dissaproval, ''Fine'' i mumbled, i kept wondering why he didn't come, i got up to my room before i heard him having a fit of laughter, ''What?'' i asked out-loud, ''D-Darren'' he said laughing even harder, ''I-It's Satuday!'' he said laughing even harder, i groaned realizing his words, did i really wake up early in the weekend and think we had work? ''Fuck'' i mumbled, he laughed and came over to kiss me, it wasn't long though, which made me pout, i remembered i still haden't told Tyler and Chord, oh, i need to call them, ''Excuse-moi Chrissy, i need to make a call.'' i said, giving him an immediate pet name, he blushed at it, ''Same'' he said, i took my phone and ran out of the room to the hall, group-call...i put the phone up to my ear and jumped when i heard excited squels being attacked by questions, ''Did you come out? Are you together? Is he there?! WHAT HAPPENED?! DETAILS!'' i squeeled excitedly, ''Well, i came out, and he came and KISSED ME!! and um it was with toungue and um um we cuddeled and slept together...OMG I MEAN SLEPT IN THE SAME BED!!'' i quickly corrected myself, ''OH. MY. GOD.'' both of them screamed into the phone in unison, i laughed, ''Okay guys i don't want him to keep waiting, Bye guys!'' i said, ''Okay have fun!'' Tyler said, ''If you know what he means'' Chord said, i could practically hear his wink and smirk through the phone, i groaned and turned it off, an idea hit me, i ran into the room with Chris in it, ''Get ready and meet me down here.'' I said, before going to get ready myself, even though i could not miss his confused face before he said:


Author's note

UM OKAY THAT WAS SOMETHING, cool i got this idea at school, i have no idea where they are going tbh, i still need to think about that lol, hope you enjoyed that!


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