Chapter 10

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Darren's P.O.V

I wake up smiling to the person next to me, i suddenly remember why i woke up in the first place and look over to my left, my phone is blinking rapidly and the word: 'Mom' lights up on the screen, what does she want? i pick it up and answer, ''Hello?'' i say tiredly, ''HOW FUCKING DARE YOU? YOU ARE GAY? HOW COULD YOU BE SUCH A FAG? I NEVER RAISED MY SON TO BE A SINNER, HOW DARE YOU?'' i blink my eyes to make sure this isn't real life, i feel tears streaming down my face, how could she..., ''Mom..'' i say through my tears, who told her anyway? ''IS THAT ALL YOU HAVE TO SAY? TALK TO ME YOU FAG!'' she screams yet again through the phone, i start crying harder, ''FINE! GET AWAY FROM ME! IF YOU CAN'T ACCEPT ME FOR WHO I AM AND THE BEST THING THAT EVER HAPPENED TO ME I DON'T WANT YOU IN MY LIFE'' I lie, screaming, i suddenly feel Chris move and look up at me, i looked down at him with a smile, trying to hide the fact i just got my heart broken, he looks at me shocked, i see a tear streaming down his face, well shit, ''you fucking fag, I'm not your mother.'' She says before i hear beeing allerting me that the call is over, ''Who the fucking hell was that?'' I hear Chris say through his tears, i manage to cry more, even though i was pretty sure all the water in my body was gone, ''M-M-My M-M-M-Mother, S-S-She disowned M-Me..'' i stutter every word, he looks up at me with tears filling his whole face before pulling me into the most comfortable hug i could ever imagine, ''I love you, It's going to be okay, I promise'' he whispers to me.

''What if it won't?''


that was just a filler chapter, dont kill me please, -hides behind bush- i hope you 'like' this chapter, ok its all going to be fine i promiseeee

byeeeee eek

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