Chapter 1

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Today we started filming the first episodes of Season 6, I could hardly act, I couldn't stand seeing Chris cry, even if it was acting, he looked so...hurt. I never, ever, ever want to see him like that, and I never want to be the cause of that, Chris is my On-screen lover, my best friend, and my 5-year crush. I'm gay in real life but i haven't learned to accept it yet, even if everyone likes me more as I'm gay, I don't.I can only tell a few people i trust, like Tyler (my best friend) and my mom. Oh, tyler, shit i forgot, i better call him! I open my phone and i already see 7 missed calls, shit shit shit shit shit, i click on his name and put it up to my ear immediatly. ''Hey, Ty'' i say quietly. ''Wow thanks for calling me back fast! what happened?!'' I thought for a moment before replying ''I, Um was filming'' i say honestly, ''Oooooh, did you see Chris?!!'' i roll my eyes at his comment before saying ''Yes, i did, and it was horrible, he was crying, he was acting but i felt really really ba-'' 
''Hey! no spoilers!'' he cut me off, i groaned under my breathe, ''Yeah whatever, I'm coming over'' i answer sharply. ''Fine Bye.'' he said before he ended the call.
I walked out to my car and started it, i couldn't bring my self to start it yet, i still felt really, really bad. I decided it would help if i asked Ty about this, he is kind of having the same trouble with Troye, not the same but still problems that i help him with. I finally start the car and get driving, When i pulled into his driveway I see Troye's car here, 'Ooooooooooooooooh' i think to myself, i knock the door and his mom answers, ''Hey Jackie!'' I say cheerily giving her a hug and walking past, me and his mom have grown together over the years, i think of her as my mom too now, ''Hey Darr'' She answers Just as cheerily, She calls me Darr as my nickname, she thinks Darren is too long, Whatever, It's cute. I go up the stairs to Tyler's bedroom, Open the door and scan the room, Ty is at th desk with Troye, I just Jump on the bed and lay down Lazily. ''Come in'' Ty says sarcastically, making hand gestures to show me, causing me to roll my eyes and huff at him, He chuckles at me before turning to Troye, giving him a peck on the lips and coming to lay next to me. ''Hey what's up? you seem down, like really down, is this all because of Chris?!'' he says with concern flooding his voice, ''Yeah...I still haven't even come out to him yet Ty! He's got a boyfriend and thinks im straight but act really well!'' i say frusterated with the convorsation already, he hugs me and looks at me, ''Hey, remember when i used to fangirl about you all the time?'' he says, ''Yeah..'' Ugh time for the Tyler speeches now, though they always do manage to make me feel better, ''Well, i thought i would never even meet you, let alone become best friends, The moral of the story is, Don't give up, just try to not keep your 'secret' in for too long, and remember to take the hair gel out of your hair when you finish filming'' he said jokingly, ''Yeah, thanks Ty'' i say with a smile before pulling him into a long embrace to say 'thank you', ''you always succeed in making me feel better,'' he smirks at himself proudly, ''i better get going and make my ultimate plan in coming out to Chris'' I say with a chuckle, ''Yes go go go Romeo'' he chuckles at me before hugging me one last time and going to sit with Troye at the desk, Troye was looking at his phone, ''Bye Troye with an E'' i say and hug him, ''Bye Darr'' he mumbles still looking at his phone clearly concentrated in writing a tweet, i laugh to myself quietly and get out of Ty's room, ''Okay, Coming out to Chris Part 1 has started, and I'm terrified as hell, should i do it while we are on break from filming or what? ugh'' i say to my self, cursing under my breathe for getting myself into this.

Author's note:

Hey! This is my first real Fanfic, i have no idea what to expect, I really enjoyed making this, hope i do more!

But seriously i have no idea why i brought tyler and troye into this i just love them so yeah, next chapter will be Chris' P.O.V!

Kay byeeeee

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