Chapter 54- Pizza

Start from the beginning

"Damn Layla, that was quick," Jackson says with his mouth full of food.

I shrug my shoulders, "I don't live to far from here and grabbed some ragged old clothes that were in the bottom of my dresser."

"You still look hot though," one of the guys says that I don't know the name of. I don't miss the glare Mason gives the guy after though.

Mr. Garcia walks out of the kitchen with a fresh Hawaiian pizza and a coke for me, "I'm so sorry about that Layla. I'll make sure it never happens again."

I thank him and devour my pizza as I chat with mostly Hailey and Jackson. I can tell the effort Hailey is putting into trying to mend our relationship. Though it's mostly my fault that even happened. Destiney was never a good friend, it took me to long to realize that.

"Why hasn't your hubby joined us today?" Hailey asks me playfully.

"You'd have to ask Mason," I reply looking at Mason who is on his phone being antisocial.

He doesn't even hear what Hailey or I said so she throws a pepperoni at him. He just looks up at her for second and glares at her. Then, he returns to doing what ever the hell he was doing earlier on his phone.

Hailey pouts, "I feel like lately Mason has been becoming broken."

"What is that supposed to mean?" I ask her confused.

"Well, you see here Layla, Mason used to be the life of the party and always having something to say. Might I add, used to always have a girl latched to him like a leech. Lately, he's been the complete opposite of that and only hooks up with girls at parties. I swear he one night took a girl to his house who was black out drunk and he said that when she woke up he fucked her brains out," Jackson tells me butting into the conversation.

I raised my eyebrows and looked at Mason. I have a slight feeling that the story I was told is about me but it was twisted. I mean I was black out drunk and I have a slight feeling I woke up at one point acting like a drunk idiot, I'm very sure though we didn't have sex.

"Mason?" I call his name to get his attention.

He looks up from his phone with an annoyed face, "What?"

I smile at him innocently, "Oh, it's just that Jackson was telling me this story about how you fucked the brains out of a girl who you brought home. Might I add she was black out drunk?"

I see his face slightly turn into panic but he masks it before anybody else could see it but I saw it, "Yeah? And?"

"Just thought it sounded like something I've heard before, I guess you can carry on with whatever else you we're doing," I roll my eyes at him and I know he saw me do it as his face turns red with anger.

He clears his throat, "Layla, you wouldn't mind talking outside for a minute."

He doesn't give me a chance to respond as he quickly gets out of the booth and exits the pizzeria. I decide to get up to see what he has to say. I make my way to the front door and push it open where Mason stands there ready to say whatever it is he has to say.

"You better not tell them the fucking truth!" Mason whisper yells at me.

I roll my eyes, "Well, even if I did tell them the truth, walking out here together seems oddly suspicious. They might think they are clever and at least figure out that the girl who got black out drunk is me. Though, how the story goes is that the mysterious girl has sex with you."

For a second Mason's face goes blank as if processing what I'm saying. It eventually, slowly turns to terror as he realizes his mistake, "Then why the fuck did you come out here with me."

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