'You fuck off, I have been in this body together with the original soul, I was just dormant. Have it not been for her to show up, I would gladly leave and go to another. Unfortunately for you, I need this body'

And they fought once more.


Cordilia glared at the man in her room. It him.

"You got a titanium balls to dare sneak into my room like some Flower Theif. Disgraceful" Cordilia spat out foul words without hesitation, surprising Elreste.

"......." 'I don't remember she had such a foul mouth'

"........" 'This is the White Moonlight of yours? Talks like a rogue' Yin Shuan snickered

"You mouth needs washing" Elreste commented and took a sip on the wine he had in his hand, leasurely sitting on the recliner.

"How filthy my mouth is has nothing to do with a stranger such as yourself. I suggest you leave before I do something unpleasant. And believe me, you will not like it" Cordilia said in hostility, she could not help but feel irratation taking over her rationality.

'Dare play go off to play with bees, flowers, and butterflies and came to face me still stink with her perfume!? Want to anger me to death!? Is that it!?'

'No way!..... Is she...... Is... Cordilia is eating vinegar?' A'Yuan was stunned and felt he suffered short circuit in his motherboard.

"You're quite on guard. We aren't strangers, don't act like we are" Elreste said, his eyes stared into Cordilia's, as if searching for something.

'Ruby red eyes suit her better' he thought absentmindedly, ignoring the snort from the other occupant of the body

"Funny, you are a stranger to me. I don't know you, I don't remember you. So scram, I don't want to deal with you" Cordilia said, Elreste saw no lies in those teal eyes which made him frown

"Its not good to lie" Elreste probed for confirmation

"I am not lying. There is no need to lie on this" Cordilia said coldly

"Ah, this is unexpected but it doesn't matter" Elreste stood up and walked over to Cordilia, ignoring the sharp glare and tense shoulders.

Elreste raised his hand and caressed Cordilia's cheeks, "I'm pretty sure that you will remember soon enough. Until then, I will wait" Elreste said

Cordilia was stunned and looked at Elreste in surprise, raging emotions surged forward. Cordilia immediately pushed him away and backed away herself, slamming on the table, Cordilia clutched on it and trying to regain her bearing.

'SYSTEM, SEND HIM AWAY! NOW!' Cordilia ordered, A'Yuan was surprised but nodded, for Cordilia to call him System means that she was serious and directly expelled Elreste's soul and sent him to another world, ignoring his scalding glare, shouts of protest.

Cordilia clutched her chest and took a few deep breaths. Yin Shuan whom fully gain control of the body, looked at Cordilia.

"You're quite ruthless" Yin Shuan said coldly, earlier, although he dislikes Elreste but being pushed away like that and rejected harshly, it must have hurt. No, it definately would be unbearable.

"Fuck off, mind your own damn business" Cordilia said and glared menacingly at Yin Shuan

".... Hn"

"Also.... You should warn your woman to watch her back and not do something drastic. It's fine if you tell her that this world, she is bound to fail. Should you tell her who and what I am, I'll scatter you soul, and believe me, I don't need A'Yuan's help to do so."Cordilia said, Yin Shuan felt cold.

For the first time ever, he felt his soul trembled in fear. This woman in front of him, is very dangerous! He knew exactly that she will do as promised if he gets involve but he is also unwilling for his beloved to suffer.

As if reading his thought, Cordilia laughed.

"If you want Lu Chuchu to be successful, you can dream but do you ever wonder what happened those souls that had succeeded their tasks?" Cordilia gave him a cold look

"What?" Yin Shuan was alarmed, he can definately almost tasted that this woman is not simple.

"You don't have much authority to know. Be a good soul and stay the fuck off if you want you lover to survive" Cordilia said before kicking him into the Rift A'Yuan created and transported him to his company's office.

A'Yuan was updated enough to create small rifts despite the divine protection fk the Heavenly Dao.

Cordilia collapsed on her knees. Although she managed to stay upright and mighty, earlier, the Protagonist Halo was drilling into her. Painful as it was, Coridli dare not show her weakness, that being said, Cordilia cough up blood.

System I Want RevengeWhere stories live. Discover now