Amazing Discoveries!

Start from the beginning

(Are you blind that was pitiful.) Baltoy corrected monotonously awarding itself a glare from Ash.

(I thought I was watching a hatchling. That wasn't fast at all and your form was sloppy and irregular. If this were a test you would have failed if you did that in front of someone like Giovanni.)

" see..." Meowth tried to find the words to explain itself nervously.

"I guess it does show."

"Back off!" Ash shouted, "Meowth has pushed itself way past its limit and was even able to do all of that on an empty stomach. What more could you possibly want?"

"This doesn't concern you, twerp!" Meowth yelled, "Don't you have some gym battle to win? So hurry it up and leave!" Ash was at a loss for words, his rage started to intertwine with his sorrow overshadowing any sparks of happiness that he may have felt before, causing his body to tremble as he started to reach for an empty poke ball.

"I want to understand it." A spark of light forced its way into his mind as he remembered that night, causing him to stop as his fingers brushed over the hard shell that could change everything.

"Not yet," he thought, "...I will catch day..." He declared to himself, "...However...I need to be able to understand you." He thought with realization as the dark clouds of his inner rage started to fade away.

"What good would it do if I capture you now when I always feel..." Ash stopped his train of thought not wanting to admit it to himself the dark feelings of resentment and indifference he always held towards Meowth. Ash took another deep breath to calm himself down and walked away for a moment only to return with Pikachu on his shoulder and a bag in his hands.

"You left this at the park the other night." He said calmly, regaining Meowth's attention as it turned back around to face him and saw the bag of cookies from Clio.

"I would like it if you two joined us for some breakfast. We can talk freely to each other, you can tell me anything you want."

"I'm not feeling hungry right now," Meowth answered softly as if it was trying to process a proper way to reciprocate his calm approach.

"I will if you agree to leave," Meowth spoke calmly. Ash squeezed the bag lightly, he said he would last night but that was only out of anger. He was hoping a new day could change things but Meowth was still set in its ways. It's so stubborn!

(Rocket!) Baltoy screeched as it stepped in between the two. (You're wasting our time.) It reprimanded.

"How is getting something to eat a waste of time? You need energy if you want to keep going." "Pika, Pika," Ash stated defensively.

(Concern yourself with your own Pokémon.) To silence the nuisance, Baltoy presented colbur, oran and salac berries for each of them to eat. (Eat your share quickly so we can finish what we started.)

"But I don't like these berries. The colbur berry is too bitter and while the salac berry is sweet at first it leaves a bad after taste. And only idiots think that oran berries are tasteful, they're so bland." It whined.

"Learn to be appreciative Meowth! You're in no position to be picky. Baltoy was nice enough to give them to you so you should be saying 'thank you' and eat them without complaints." Ash scolded. "Pikachu!" Pikachu confirmed. Meowth sighed seeing that it was going to be outnumbered if it didn't comply.

It sat down in its place, "Fine," it muttered as it picked up the colbur berry and bit into it distastefully.

The gang smiled happily as they watched it consume the berries as if a weight has been lifted off of them. Ash turned to Baltoy with a warm smile on his face.

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